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Everything posted by Rico

  1. Amen. I'm actually very optimistic about this team's chances now that the new era is here, for the first time really since the TD years.... but if they end up tanking another season, everyone needs to go.
  2. I don't see the similarity either... but If indeed he is the next Wes Welker as I've read on this board, let's trade him to the Pats for a 2nd round pick. We could use it next year with no #1. He may turn into an all-pro with Brady throwing to him, but I'm willing to take that risk.
  3. If they only had more time...
  4. Good info there. I do miss the days where player-for-player trades were much more common. Dennis Shaw for Ahmad Rashad was great for the Bills. Bob Chandler for Phil Villapiano was a win-win for both teams. But then again, there was the Lamonica trade DOH.
  5. Enjoy?!?!? WTF I did NOT enjoy reading that.
  6. False start, 1st-and-15.
  7. Looks more like Hugo from Lost to me.
  8. Of all the whipping boys that have played for the Bills, no one has deserved the fan abuse more than Lil Donte. And it's not really about where he was drafted (as his ever-dwindling number of apologists would have you believe) or his play on the field... he's just a POS, and he proved it again right here. That being said, thanks Marv. I give the driver an A for effort... but just like Mo Lewis, he didn't get the job done.
  9. Agreed, that would be beyond brutal. If this team doesn't show any significant improvement on the field this year though, I do hope the new ownership has enough sense to clean out all of Ralph's trash once-and-for all. In that respect, I can agree with the OP... but I'd much rather see them stay due to the Bills finally turning the corner on the field.
  10. Kiko's injury is indeed unfortunate, but IMO the real curse ended a few months ago... this is hopefully just a speed-bump on the way to bigger & better days. .
  11. No mention of Frank Lewis yet that I see. STUD receiver that made the mediocre Fergy look good.
  12. Agreed, Russ anyways, clear all of Ralph's trash out & kill the curse once and for all. Highly unlikely that happens, so I am cool with giving Russ a transitional year to see if things can finally turn around. I'm not at all interested though in having another owner who isn't committed to winning & accepts failure/incompetence, just keeping the team in Buffalo isn't good enough for me.
  13. JD Hill of all people was on the Today show this morning around 7:30 EDT, he's one of the former players now suing. I only caught a little bit before I had to leave for work, but he looked & sounded pretty good, I always liked him.
  14. Williams & Urbik were both outright cut by the teams that drafted them after only a few years, They had no trade value at all. Once that happened, IMO you can put a great big asterisk next to their 1st-round & 3rd-round pedigrees, That being said, I like what Urbik has given us, he's been a decent reclamation project. I hope Williams can give us more of the same, at least if Richardson doesn't quickly pan out.
  15. He damn well better improve in games started & wins as starting QB.
  16. Agreed that a new owner who is a football guy or who is already tightly connected with one wouldn't think twice of cleaning house. If the new owner isn't that savvy, I can see Russ selling him the snake oil for another year. I don't agree though that Trump would keep anyone who is garbage or incompetent, I think he would fit squarely in the 1st group & bring in his own people. In general, I don't necessarily think it will be playoffs or bust, but everyone is expecting significant improvement this year on the field. All bets are off if this team tanks it ala 2003, everyone can & should be gone regardless of who the owner is..
  17. As it stands right now, F and fired. Out with the old, in with the new. Subject to change though if the Bills make a drastic turnaround on the field this year.
  18. His 'antics' never bothered me. Dude just wasn't clutch at all though, and if this team finally did get their act together & made the playoffs, I could've seen him pulling a Ronnie Harmon/Lee Evans (or even worse) at the end of a really big game.
  19. Can't blame him there. SJ isn't the kind of player you want when you're a new coach trying to turn a team around. Niners make a lot more sense, though if I'm Harbaugh, he's not seeing the field at the end of tight games. Anyways, good luck Stevie!
  20. Better to trade Stevie to the Cowboys, they'd be a good pair together.
  21. That's cool... though Chris Hogan & TJ Graham are most conspicuous by their absence.
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