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Everything posted by Rico

  1. i agree that he really did need to show improvement from Day 1 to make me happy, but I will still wait to see what he looks like in the 1st preseason game. Until then, I will be sharpening my pitchfork.
  2. Same here As I've told you before, your extra points sections are a must-read, your takes have proven to be pretty accurate.
  3. Thanks Mikey, always appreciate your reports!
  4. Yes, I'm sure Dan LeBastard has been there once or twice to see the Felons get humiliated.
  5. All-time: Joe Montana Honorable mention: Tom Brady Darryl Lamonica One game: Tracy Porter Honorable mention: Mike Vanderjagt
  6. "Fergy back to pass, pressure's on, he's running backwards, and they've got him, 15-yard loss and here comes Greg Cater, the Bills are out of field goal range. How do you like that!"
  7. Chuck Healy was also on Let's Talk Sports, I used to watch it every week when I was a kid.
  8. Ted Darling > Rick Jeanetette. I have a few of the Van games on cassette like the Oilers comeback and the 90 Raiders AFC Championship game lying around somewhere, they rebroadcast them before the 4th SB game, I wish I could find them right now. RIP Van.
  9. I don't know about unraveling, but I do think Pegs will be quick to lower the boom on Kromer if there's any substance to the charge, much to the chagrin of some of the bleeding hearts around here.
  10. Still would've been light years better than Ralph. GOD BLESS THE PEGULAS!
  11. Thanks, I didn't know Booker was that highly regarded. Butch was much more impressive to these 3rd-grader eyes. I have always liked playmakers more throughout my fandom though. Much respect here for Thomas Smith, but I would take Nate Clements over him in their primes.
  12. Yeah, I meant the team. I don't remember Butch ever getting honored by them like Booker did a couple years ago. That probably explains why... nothing against Booker, I just thought Butch was much better.
  13. One thing I don't understand is how Booker Edgerson got so much recent love from the team compared to Butch. I thought Butch was just outstanding compared to Booker who was good but not great. Maybe Butch was just flashier & I was too young to know better, cause I also thought Dennis Shaw was going to be a star, he did win Rookie ofThe Year after all lol.
  14. Seen just about every game since OJ's rookie year. First 5 are easy: 1. OJ 2. Bruce 3. Jimbo 4. Thurman 5. Andre Next 5 are harder, but I'll say Robert James Billy Shaw Tom Sestak Jerry Butler Butch Byrd Favorite Whipping Boys 1. Ralph 2. Brain Dead Drew 3. Lil Donte 4. Fergy 5. Mike Puddinhead Williams 6. JP 7. Kelsay 8. Fina 9. Marv as GM 10. Meathead
  15. Top 5 to start a team? Absolutely. Top 5 to win one game? Not quite yet. I would definitely take him over Peyton the Big Game Chump though.
  16. Agreed that 3-3 for his first 3 years is really good. I'm much more impressed with 6-2 and 1 ring though, Wilson's my pick.
  17. Legend? I didn't know that. Many years now since I moved from Buffalo though.
  18. Hate to say it, but I see this as well, too bad. Good luck though, CJ.
  19. Agree 100%, he's not even close to Peters' level, and I don't think he ever will be. Looking at the 4 players in question and their future upside, I would rate them Dareus (already there) Gilmore Bradham Glenn Nice player, but easy to see how he'd be the odd man out if they can only keep 3.
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