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Everything posted by Rico

  1. Big props to EJ, but I think it's Tyrod. Give him another series though.
  2. Got another week to go, but right now I don't see any reason to keep him on the team, save the $ instead.
  3. Good to see EJ back in there. Great 2 series, but 2 passes wasn't enough. Taylor is definitely the man to beat, let's see if he can close the gap.
  4. I hope he gets more than one series.
  5. You can't kill Fred! He's gotta stick somehow.
  6. He got a ring with Vegas. And unlike RJ, he earned it .
  7. He only needed more time.
  8. I support this 100%. I don't care what the circumstances were last week; bottom line, he got the job done when it counted. Now let's see what he can do to build on it. If he looks really good + better than the other QB's, he can take the driver's seat. If he's not too impressive + the other QB's look better, he can keep a seat on the bench. If he sh#$'s the bed, he can pack his bags.
  9. Bills +3 looks like a good bet even without MD, but I'd want to see the IR report that week first.
  10. No. RJ, JP, EJ. All were major investments at QB, all were young with upside, all were disappointments, all had the same portion of the fanbase putting the player above the team.
  11. Probably different with this regime, as Rex & co. appear to be pretty competent. In the past though, absolutely. If you disregard the very vocal minority, the majority of TSW has been correct.
  12. I didn't say you were a fanboy. I just find the five stages of grief more interesting than a fun conspiracy theory.
  13. Underrated: Corey Graham Overrated: Eric Wood
  14. No, the biggest EJ fanboys are currently in the 2nd stage: there's already denial that the coaching staff doesn't consider him the best QB in camp, and anger that he hasn't been given a fair chance. IF EJ did in fact get cut, there wouldn't be any more stages that we'd be able to see, they'd just leave the board on an 'extended business trip'. There would be normal discourse over a big story like that, along with some haters laughing TAO (not so much EJ-haters, but EJ fanboy-haters). As it was with JP. As it was with Drew. As it was with RJ. That's all IF EJ got cut. Right now, he certainly looks safe but there are 2 more PS games left to play.
  15. They'll leave if EJ isn't starting Week 1, first the fanboys and then the haters.
  16. That's more than fair, I agree with this, throw the kid a bone. He's been kicked up and down and all over this town since last year, let him build more confidence. If nothing else, it will help determine if his development is worth continuing.
  17. Based off what he did yesterday, I have to agree. Bottom line, he got the job done when it counted.
  18. Well, Chris Brown concurs with Whaley, so it's got to be true.
  19. Only they didn't have time to let a major project 1st-round QB grow and learn, they hadn't been in the playoffs for over 10 years. If the plan was for Kolb to take them to another level in the meantime, that wasn't very smart either. Major project 3rd-round QB? OK. 1st round QB in this case with this team should've been more advanced like say waiting a year & taking a Bridgewater (knowing fully well there's no guarantee there either). All IMO, hindsight being 20/20.
  20. Nevertheless, hindsight being 20/20, they should not have drafted a major, MAJOR project QB at 16 having missed the playoffs for 10+ years. I'm not saying they should've drafted Wilson the previous year. In fact, I'm not giving alternate names at all. I just think that a team that is desperate to make a quick turn-around is better served not burning a 1st-round pick on a QB that will need a ton of development.
  21. No need for my benefit, you're cool. Certain others though....
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