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Everything posted by Rico

  1. I tend to agree now about the Beatles later stuff, but I was 4 when they first broke and just loved them. Later when I was 7, I was like what the hell is this weird sh##? What happened to my band? That only lasted a couple years though, I got a little older and saw the light.
  2. Yes, Neil has never gived 2 f###s, he does what he wants to do. I do like Reactor though, it rocks pretty hard, though I did like it a lot more back when it came out. I saw him on the solo Trans tour, that was something.
  3. Fleetwood Mac: Rumours is a top 10 album for me, and I also love ":Fleetwood Mac". The earlier blues era is very good, but I just don't play it compared to the big 2. Tusk was a major disappointment, never into them after that. Rolling Stones: my favs until they morphed into the Vegas Stones with the Steel Wheels tour & album. Springsteen: 1978 thru 1981 tours. BITUSA has some great songs, but the tour while great felt like he was selling out, and I loathe Tunnel Of Love. Still capable of putting on great concerts, but he's a total clownshow as a person these days. AC/DC: Back In Black is a great album, but in general, no Bon Scott, no sale. The Band: only when they're backing Dylan. Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers: only when they're backing Dylan. Bowie: Jumped the shark for me with Tonight/Never Let Me Down. Elvis Costello: LOVE the 1st 3 albums, lost interest after that. LZ: love everything studio, live stuff best when Plant could still wail. Prince: great album every summer until Batman. Talking Heads: everything until Little Creatures. U2: all downhill after Boy. Neil: made a comeback for me in the late 80's/early 90's, but honestly all downhill after Live Rust (maybe Reactor). Dylan: early folk era = zzzzzzzz, 65-66 incredible, 74-78 next best.
  4. These tweets don’t mean anything to me, I will feel better the next time I see Josh playing.
  5. Here’s to Diggs going off against his old team, 3TDs plz.
  6. For who’s been mentioned: Floyd: I’m not a fan of The Final Cut, so I will say anything up to & including The Wall. Rush: everything up to & including Permanent Waves. Geddy’s gotta wail. Beatles: all great. After the split, only POB, Imagine, and All Things Must Pass. Some Macca & Ringo songs. Dead: 60’s and 70’s. Some of the new Dead songs after that they added to rotation are mediocre. Who: gotta have Keith Moon.
  7. Yes, that’s one of the things that I have had to work on: no one’s opinion is ever wrong. All my takes in this thread & elsewhere are only my opinion and nothing more.
  8. That song's OK, but this is the only 'Til Tuesday I listen to:
  9. Yes, a great live show (not a big fan of the studio stuff). He's 3rd on my most-seen behind the Stones and Dylan.
  10. I agree that Thunder Road is Springsteen's best, but not with the hillbilly twang and not in the OP zzzzzzz and certainly not in the studio. 1978 thru 1981 with full E-Street Band is the show-stopper ticket for me, gotta have the Big Man.
  11. I'm not saying the other material by these 2 isn't any good, but this is all I ever need to hear:
  12. Guilty pleasure, 2 songs but played as one. I like them both except for the parts when Steve Perry is singing,.
  13. RIP to a great NFL player & great Boilermaker.
  14. Never should’ve let Sammy get away.
  15. Not the best, but my top 2 favs are Dirty Harry and Gimme Shelter, no idea how many times I’ve seen them but a lot.
  16. RIP Ray, the GOAT of punters, and 3 rings isn’t too shabby.
  17. Nice weather Sunday night, and Josh struggled against the Packers. Maybe he plays better when it’s nasty outside, good thing the new stadium doesn’t have a dome.
  18. Don’t forget Goodell.
  19. Pay hell no, free trials maybe.
  20. Bills 44 Jets 14
  21. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2022/11/01/britt-reid-sentenced-to-three-years-in-prison/ 3 years isn't enough for this POS, but better than nothing I guess.
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