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Everything posted by Rico

  1. The biggest mistake of all. Hit him again & you win, Henne's not doing that again.
  2. Tough break, Airseven.
  3. Don't cry, Rat.
  4. Arden Key FTW.
  5. YESSSSSS!!!
  6. Hit the Rat and you win, LFG!
  7. Nice D, Chiefs.
  8. Who needs a punch in the face more? That’s a tough one.
  9. There’s been some accusations from the two fanbases that each team plays dirty. Does anyone else remember at the end of the game when Bungles LB Al Beauchamp spit in Bubby Braxton’s face?
  10. Simple NFL fact: You don’t get respected when you’re the Bungles.
  11. Wouldn’t surprise me at all if One-and-Done Reid reverts back to form & the Jags win. Chiefs are due for a loss.
  12. A Clockwork Orange
  13. Very fluky. Ravens would’ve beaten the Chiefs, and Rat & Reid would still be ringless.
  14. City Lights & It’s A Wonderful Life.
  15. Yeah, I’ve tried to get into “If I Could Only Remember My Name” several times since so many rave about it, but it just never clicked for me. Cause was the VID. https://www.showbiz411.com/2023/01/19/famed-rock-singer-david-crosby-dead-at-81-founding-member-of-the-byrds-and-csn
  16. I’m far, far more Y than CSN, but may he RIP, what a character, he always spoke his mind & gave zero f###s.
  17. Rico

    Best Ever?

    I’m definitely not saying you’re wrong & Im right. I’ve heard all 5 of their albums many times back in the day, and for me, each succeeding album wasn’t as good as the previous one. Ed: I will say Ghost > the annoying Zenyatta, doo doo doo doo. One other thing when comparing Beatles- Stones, I have used this analogy which works for me. Beatles thru 1969 > Stones thru 1969 Beatles thru 1969 < Stones thru 1988 Beatles thru 1969 > Stones to date Beatles broke up too soon; Stones legacy took a big hit when they went Vegas in 1989.
  18. Rico

    Best Ever?

    Speaking of The Who, I myself consider studio and live to be equally important, and the live shows and recordings elevate The Who near the top, as well as knock the Beatles down a few notches, they were broke too early and got off the road way too soon. I know their songs and cover songs may not be up to snuff with my big 3, but the availability and quality of the Grateful Dead’s live shows is just staggering. If you are taking strictly live, they have to be at my top.
  19. Rico

    Best Ever?

    Beatles = GOAT pop band. Stones = GOAT rock band. Sting is such a tw*t that I can’t take the Police seriously. Roxanne did rock though, most of the rest of their stuff is OK background music to me.
  20. Rico

    Best Ever?

    Dylan Stones Beatles
  21. He’s played a major part in 2 Super Bowl big failures, best to wait until after the season is over before giving him a vote.
  22. He’s right near the top of my not-hire list, let him sue some other team, I don’t have time for that.
  23. I'm sure Meathead and him will make a great pair, joined at the hip.
  24. 100% When you get right down to it., Bills are at home against the Bungles. I would be shocked if they lose.
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