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Posts posted by HalftimeAdjustment

  1. 1) Gailey. He made bad decisions, especially in terms of the run/pass mix but also the punt. Gailey put Fitz into a situation where he is not capable of performing (pass on virtually every down in 2nd half). Does not run from a standard handoff enough - when we do, we have good success. We tend to lose more yards on toss-outs and other plays designed to start side-to-side (as opposed to plays starting from the middle where the RB chooses to go in or out).

    2) Fitzpatrick. Cannot pull out the game when it is put on his shoulders (see #1).

    3) Bruce DeHaven. Oops, our special teams are not good. Great special teams do not win a lot of games (see the Jauron era) but bad special teams lose enough games to matter (see Jones, Ronnie).

    4) The secondary. Our defense played well overall, but let us down at some critical moments primarily in coverage on 3rd and long.

    5) Ralph Wilson. The curse of Doug Flutie continues, and Ralph is to blame.

  2. The idea of "rebuilding" is BS. All we need to do is make a wise and well informed coaching hire this offseason and we could be back in contention by next season. Look at Tampa and Miami, two teams who were dismal last season and already they're back to being respectable and then some.


    Even more of a turnaround: Indianapolis. While we wallow in mediocrity they just smacked us in the face having already won 5 more games than all last season. Wait, I thought it would take at least 3 years to go from the cellar to playoffs?

  3. A tool not used is a paperweight.


    If we get a guy with a much stronger leg, there's still no guarantee that Chan tries the FG there. In my opinion Lindell can hit a 52 yarder in a dome, but Bruce DeHaven thinks that is too long because he learned field goal ranges in the 80s and early 90s and has not caught up with the game. (Chan, as well). Get a younger coach, bring in a kicker to compete with Lindell, and let the best player kick.

  4. Ah, but there's the ownership problem. Ralph doesn't have a great reputation as an employer (just ask Wade, or Polian, or AJ Smith, or Mularkey), and worse, he's likely to die soon - without any succession plan. I'm not sure I'd like to work for an erratic owner, with the added threat of a new owner likely to come on board with new ideas for managing the team. It's not a recipe for success.


    What if you got a contract that was guaranteed, as most are? Owner dies - new owner fires you - you take the money and go back to work as a coordinator. How would being the HC in Buffalo be bad for a coordinator's resume? It did not hurt the career or earning potential of Gregg Williams (3 DC jobs) or Mike Mularkey (OC, HC jobs) at all... on balance it probably helped Dick Jauron's career as well. Wade Phillips, also doing well. Based on the history it seems that being a HC in Buffalo is better than being a coordinator almost anywhere else, and only worse than being a HC at a winning program or perhaps a major college HC.

  5. Stevie has been upset for about a month now


    Liked hearing one of the guys talk about throwing short so much on 3rd n long, this drives me nuts


    I am glad he is upset. He does not like losing. It was apparent he was trying to win the game, his effort on the INT/Fumble play showed that he was not giving up. We lost, and he is upset. Good, he should stay for next year, and Chan should go.

  6. Below average (McK) > Terrible (A.Williams).


    McKelvin has this advantage: He is able to stay in the area of the receiver and appear to be covering him. True, if the QB actually throws the ball there, McKelvin is unlikely to break it up. However, his relatively close coverage may cause the QB to hesitate or check down instead of throwing the ball, because he may not always realize that the "coverage" is partly an illusion. Compare that to a CB who is badly out of position; the QB sees green space around the receiver, or a Bills player actually running the wrong way, and throws immediately for a reception.

  7. He looked unconscious to me too. So he gets a pass on that fumble. I like FJ a lot and hope he is ok. CJ should be the starter... for the same reason I wanted Fred as the starter last year: CJ is playing like the #1 RB in the league. Having said that I want Fred to make a full and fast recovery and hopefully not miss Thursday. If diagnosed with concussion though, team needs to rest him on Thursday.

  8. Let's all just calm down a bit, draw a deep breath and understand that NOTHING is going to change as long as RW is the team's owner. Yes, we all owe RW a debt of gratitude for getting the team on its feet in the early innings, for keeping the team in Buffalo, etc. Times have changed, RW hasn't in terms of the Bills; it's not 1970 any longer. So, Bills fans, have a seat, wait for it...new ownership is on the horizon and rearranging the deck chairs may occupy your minds, but there will be no substantive change until the ownership mantle passes to someone else.


    So, Ralph is actually interfering with the defensive calls? Or mandating that they hire Dave Wannstedt because he's heard of him? There hasn't been any substantive change in our defense since 2000? Tom Donohue and Buddy Nix are the same guy who make the same kinds of decisions? Hiring Mario Williams for $100M is a typical Ralph move? I understand how Ralph has caused the franchise problems in past years, but I am just not seeing his fingerprints on our current malaise.

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