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Posts posted by HalftimeAdjustment

  1. this. there is no mechanism to stop wilson from interfering unless he s no longer owner....and we all know, that's what we really wanted.


    In most matters, as long as people have the feeling they need to confirm with Russ and not with Ralph, it will make a big difference. Decisions will be made quicker. Presumably the head coach will not have to talk to RW "every week". And, there might be a lot of decisions that previously would have gone to RW, which RB will make and tell him later, after they are executed, rather than getting his opinion. Sure, in theory RW could fire RB. But in practice, that is only going to happen after several years and/or a big financial loss. And there might not be several years left for that to happen under Ralph. Furthermore - this is important for another reason. If RW does die in the next few years, there will be a period of time before new ownership is established. This structure gives Russ the true authority to run the franchise during that period which could substantially improve stability over the medium term.

  2. “The age-old thing – and they’ve done it around here for years – is to start over about every three years,” Nix said. “What that does is make damn sure you don’t make it. ... You change every three years and you never quite get there. That’s my take.”


    That doesn't sound like a man with a future in the organization.


    Wasn't this a midseason quote? I am not sure he can't just eat his words since the rest of the season went so poorly. We'll see.

  3. The best part is that Wanny will be gone. Chan was at least a stand up guy.


    Nix ... will he dodge a bullet? He went on record as saying that Chan stays. Hmmm.


    I actually think Buddy Nix is doing a much worse job than Chan did.


    I think it is safe to score his first draft was very poor. Spiller was drafted to replace Marshawn Lynch ---- Lynch is going to the Pro Bowl this year. None of his drafts have produced a pro bowl player as of yet although Spilller should be one. His signing of Fitz to big money was a bad move. His inability to draft a QB limited Chan to one option (Fitz).


    Nix should be accountable for going two straight years in a row with no viable backup QB and no QB pospect on the roster. Chan had no choice but to stay with Fitz.


    GMs (and owners) give their coaches a vote of confidence during the season every year, then fire them. If you express doubt at midseason, the season is doomed. As it played out, the season was tanked anyhow.

  4. According to the stats on NFL.com (not including the final DAL-WAS game), Powell had gross 44, Net 38.1 in his games with the Bills. Moorman had Gross 44.8, Net 39.5 in 11 games with Dallas. Yes, Moorman's season net average (including his games with the Bills) will be slightly lower, but from the point of the change onward, Moorman has out-punted Powell. Also, the NFL.com site says he is 36, not 38.



    What are you talking about? When he started his Bills tenure by going 0-8? By finishing his first year at 4-12? By trading away first round picks for 4th rounders? You are as delusional as Chan Gailey. If Gailey returns I'll find another team to watch next year. I've had enough of these idiots.


    But they removed the TVs from the weight room!


    Side comment: The next staff will probably put them back in an effort to keep the players in there longer.

  6. Well, that was one of the worst 4th quarter efforts I've seen in a long time. With about 8-9 minutes remaining the Bills were down 2 scores and it looked like they flat out stopped trying to win. With 2 minutes left and down 14, we took 30 seconds to run a play. The team should not make it obvious that we are playing for draft picks. That was unwatchable (although I watched it) because the Bills stopped competing.

  7. This is a pretty good deal. The reality is that the Bills did not have any immediate relocation prospects... we benefitted again from Ralph hanging on. However I do not think the terms are particularly favorable to one side over the other. The question of whether a new stadium will be built must be dealt with in year 4-5. Otherwise, the Bills will be free to look at other cities and break the lease in year 7. Also if a new owner takes over withon 2 years, he may appreciate a period of stability before tackling the stadium issue. For the area, $95 million is less than expected and the Bills will stay at least 7 years. All in all a very fair deal.

  8. The criteria for "market success" will be interesting to see. Lowest ticket price in the league, empty or cut rate luxury box rentals, bottom 5 merchandise sales, zero TV ratings and fan interest outside of WNY, I'd argue that is market failure of the highest order if I was a prospective buyer with $800million on the table to buy and move a team in a national and hopefully international league. Full stadiums of people paying $40/tkt don't mean much in the grand scheme of NFL team economics. Agree, full stadiums are good for show, but the NFL is a revenue sharing league, and Bills franchise is a drag on the growth of the shared revenue and WNY is death to the non-shared revenue in any sober analysis. Hopefully the "fix is in" upon Ralph's death and he didn't really mean " sold to the highest bidder". Plus the Jerry Jones' of the NFL will be 100% behind moving the franchise.


    By this rationale, shouldn't they move the team with the lowest revenue in the league (assuming that it is not expected to grow over time)? This article says the Bills had the 2nd lowest (not the lowest) ticket price and the 30th (not 32nd) most revenue. If they are 30th in revenue, why not move the 31st and 32nd ranked teams first?




    If the team valuations are to be believed, it has increased in value by about 75% from 2002-2012. While that is not a phenomenal return, when coupled with an EBITDA of $30M/yr it is not completely unviable either. It is not at all clear what will happen either way in the short term. However, over the medium term... no new stadium, no Bills.

  9. Whatever Jeff Littman's spreadsheet says about the pros and cons of firing Chan Gailey will probably determine what happens after the season. There is no financial or competitive reason to fire Chan now, before the last 2 meaningless games. When the season ends, Russ Brandon will give his input on whether ticket and merchandise sales will be negatively affected by retaining Chan. Once the numbers have been crunched, whatever the $ dictates will be done. Since we don't know the terms of Gailey's contract next year, we can't tell whether the team would be willing to eat it. If it is cheap enough, they might, since a new coach could improve ticket and merchandise sales. If the contract is too expensive to eat, Chan will stay.

  10. One thing I'll never understand about this board is the amount of people that spelled it "Darius". Is it some sort of inside joke? There's no way that many people on this board can possibly be that stupid.



    Anyway, I've always liked Carrington. I'd like to see how many snaps he saw today compared to previous weeks.


    In the offseason, he is the king of Persia.

  11. He lived not too far from me in OP and directly accross from some good family friends in the neighborhood and they talked pretty fequently and they said that his wife hated the weather in Buffalo. I think they were originally from south Florida. The weather thing was a big deal for her and she was miserable. My buddy said they were also very nice people. So anyway- there is my bit of gossip for the fire.


    This is probably a big part of it. Not that having your kids harassed is good - but would your first reaction be to quit your job and move to a different city? Or would you move somewhere the area, try to find a better school, etc? I mean, from the perspective of someone with enough financial resources to make that happen. Seems like you could protect your kids without moving cities if you tried hard enough. Is Buffalo really that much more hostile than other cities (especially northeastern cities)?

  12. Yeah. Obviously his latest construct for the team didn't work out but he's been pretty successful in a tough division before that. I wonder if this year he's mentally out of it due to his sons death too.


    This is a real possibility. In which case, 1-2 years off might be exactly what he needs to get better. Or, if not "off", maybe he can be on TV for a while. It might not be best for him, or his future team, to jump right back into the head coaching grind.

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