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Posts posted by HalftimeAdjustment

  1. WR stats to pay attention to...

    Hogan / 3-18, long of 13

    Graham / 2-23, long of 15

    Elliot / 1-10, long of 10

    Woods / 49, TD, long 26

    Gragg / 3-18, long 14

    Dixon / 4-16 long 16

    B.Brown / 2-12 long 6th

    Mike Williams / 1-11

    Lee Smith / 1-8

    Gurley / 1-0 yards

    Noteworthy that Easley didn't tally anything. Has he been taking snaps on offense at WR?


    The few WR's on the bubble, Graham, Hogan and Elliot - it's one game - but its worth keeping an eye on all of this.






    B.brown 7 rushes/40 yards, 19 yard long

    Dixon 4/15, 11 yds

    Wingo 3/15, 11 yds

    Tuel 1/13, 13 yds

    The Man 2/6, 7 yds (seriously, don't understand that, but it says it)

    Rodriguez 2/3, 2 yds

    Spiller 1/2

    Lewis 1/0


    I thought Easley was targeted on Lewis's long INT.

  2. Yeah, this had been my question. Pears has looked OK, but Henderson has looked really, really good facing off against some of the best DE's in the game (Mario and JPP) I would love to see him at RT.


    At the current rate we could see Glenn at RT. Let's hope Henderson keeps his head on straight and takes advantage of the opportunity to play in the NFL. He is way more talented than the typical 7th rounder.

  3. The league and owners love the guy!! He is a guy, paying cash (no debt), for the highest priced sale in league history. Depending on what number you believe for TP's net worth he can be as high as the 2nd wealthiest owner in the league (5 on the low end). They would LOVE to have this guy in their little club.


    Money talks. By bidding high there will basically be nothing but support from the owners. They get no headache from the move... No politics... No Trump. And all their franchises just gained in value. What's not to like??????


    If Pegula wins then Ralph's prediction comes true: the team is sold to the highest bidder.



    If memory serves, Jimbo punched Harbaugh in the face at Rich Stadium. Don't rember if it was before or after a game though.


    Looking at web articles on the subject it was the other way around; Harbaugh punched Kelly and broke his hand doing so. Kelly has since denied even being punched but Harbaugh admitted it and lost a game check from the non-football injury.

  5. This whole thing about the stadium is pretty funny. What if a potential owner were to form a corporation called "Stadium Builders Inc" and appoint a CEO remaining as a director. Then if they win the bid... The independent corporation which is not a party to the lease handles all of the stadium stuff and gets it ready for the move. I do not believe the lease agreement can become binding on pre existing actions or entities who are not parties.. Even if it stinks to high heaven this would be a hard case to win. And the ultra wealthy have a lot of legal advice to avoid breaking the non-relo clauses AFTER they sign it. I just don't see any way for the clause to affect actions initiated before the person tales ownership of the Bills.

  6. If the Toronto group wins the bid and pretends to want to stay in Buffalo I will continue following and rooting for the team. After all regardless of whether the owner took the team to Toronto in 2020, if the BUFFALO Bills win the SB in 2018 it is still the Bills winning. As soon as the move is declared I will cease all support but not before. Also I will never believe any group is keeping the team in Buffalo until they sign a new long term deal.

  7. If the NFL expands to non-US countries, what will be the effect of the CBA? Could the draft - a system in which players have their rights given to specific teams as part of a union contract - be expanded internationally while remaining compliant with US law? Let's say you are a college player drafted by the London Teacups and you don't want to go live in the UK. However, under NFL rules you are not allowed to play for another team. You sue because the CBA (that you did not agree to) requires you to leave the United States of which you are a citizen in order to obtain employment. Something does not seem quite right about that, since by moving to and playing in the UK you will be required to subject yourself to UK laws, labor agreements, taxes, etc... (Yes, teams play one game per year there now, but that is an entirely different matter not unlike being asked to travel internationally by your US-based employer).


    Flip side, let's say a player is in the UK and does not like one of the CBA rules and sues the NFL in a European court. Will all of the things which the NFL is allowed to do fly in the UK? Are the same drug testing procedures even legal there? What about the handling of retirement benefits / pensions? Healthcare issues and privacy acts?


    I am sure the NFL has many highly-paid lawyers looking at these issues. However, if those lawyers find danger signs... the team in UK will just not happen.

  8. Ugh. I don't even know what to say. What kind of work out was he doing to tear an ACL?


    It would be interesting to know but it could have been anything. We've seen plenty of players tear their ACL when planting and turning (non-contact). I know someone who jumped a foot in the air and tore their ACL on landing. Another person tore theirs jumping over a wave at the beach. Admittedly those are non-athletes but how many times have you seen an NFL player tear their ACL while just running around the field?

  9. The bottom line is that if the majority of NYS state, or even Erie County residents who are non Bills fans are forced to subsidize a stadium for an owner who could easily build it privately, they are being forced to accept a really bad, fiscally irresponsible deal. That is all Esmonde is saying I think. He's hardly wrong. Those who do not disagree with him are not necessarily "misunderstanding" this issue. It's pretty easy to understand the math here---for a taxpayer....


    Is it your position that any taxpayer contribution above $0 is a bad deal? Even compared to (say) income and sales tax derived from the Bills? No doubt a fully public financed stadium would be a swindle. But $0 is a weak number for public funds. Sure the owner is rich but there is a price to be paid for having an NFL team in your area. Is there a non-zero cutoff you find acceptable or are you a flat "No" on public funding of any kind?


    Can we agree that no public funding = no lock in beyond the current lease?

  10. Someone who has seen what is happening here. Unlike Phoenix, look to the roots of the Buffalo-Niagara region. Many vacant brick manufacturing facilities sit idle. Many are going to find new life, as manufacturing, living spaces, even commercial enterprises. Look to the old combined with the new era industries. And Pegula isn't the only power broker that will be involved. It won't happen over night, but things are in motion that should change the area, for the better. Something this area has been waiting to see for a very long time, vision with leadership.


    Hope some tax breaks are going to be on offer... WNY has a reputation as a hard place to do business. Leadership could fix that.


    The way the Jaguars are doing it. Obviously the theme would not be summer beach activities like the Jags, but a different unique "Buffalo" version.



    What kind of Buffalo themes can we have?


    Snowbank - Build a large mound of snow (artificially created when necessary) and put seats in it. Maybe run a ski lift to get fans on top. Would replace a whole section.


    Orchard Park Falls - build an artificial waterfall in part of the stadium, falling from an upper deck. Sell the top of the falls seats for a premium and make the "Splash Zone" seats below cheap. It would certainly be a distinctive look, would give the TV something to show right before or after the real Niagara Falls shot, and probably has some advertising or product placement potential.


    Windmill - rip out a block of seats and mount a giant windmill on one end of the stadium. Just like the lakeshore, keeps the stadium "green".


    Bass Pro Coming soon sign - Self explanatory.


    Any other ideas?


  12. Excuse me you are incorrect. Yesterday Channel 2, 4 and 7 all reported that 26% of city of Buffalo resident live below the poverty level. Here are the links.


    Detroit was ranked 1, Cleveland 2nd and Rochester 3rd, and Buffalo 4th.








    So about 1 family in 4 can't afford the basics of life food, clothing, shelter and utilities how are they goijng to afford tickets,a new stadium personal seat licenses ?


    The wealth comes significantly from people living outside the city limits so this study is a bit misleading. The city is relatively small population wise. Do you believe 26% of people in the suburbs live below the poverty line?


    I was when I was in WNY. I haven't been since I moved to NOLA in 2007. My whole family has them though.


    PSLs vs. increasing ticket prices is because of the way that the revenue is shared. The Bills would rather $1000 PSL payment and a $500 season ticket than a $1500 season ticket. That was the point that I was making.


    Thanks. To everyone else who says the market can't afford PSLs... If the team overprices them, they won't sell, and the price will come down until it hits the market value. As long as taxpayers are not on the hook for PSL sale failure what's the issue? As long as they are locked in for a longer period let them try to raise revenue. If everyone who says the area is too poor is right they will fail. However if we give up without trying and the team moves failure is guaranteed. If the team ends up moving I believe all the taxpayers will get in return is $28M.

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