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Everything posted by robkmil

  1. not playing well, but weare still in game
  2. theres a good return
  3. we need to score on this possession
  4. how did they not see holding on that completion?
  5. come on lets be agressive now. i hate this call
  6. like juggling knives blindfolded. i haven't heard anything more stupid.
  7. because ehe's not that good yet
  8. not a badcall, if they passed you would have complained as well
  9. i was impressed, only three points but a little spark. don't be so negative
  10. go forward lynch. get a couple yards
  11. it wirked but i don't like 5 wide on 3 and short
  12. what time did you start drinking today?
  13. not suprised, they played a game with 0 penalties and their opponnent had like 12
  14. parrish interfered with?
  15. that measly 7 was a first what's your deal?
  16. atta boy parrish did he get it
  17. we've gotta do better
  18. are they going to review? wtf?
  19. just switched over i demand an excuse from time warner
  20. what's going on? im going crazy
  21. what's going on? im going crazy
  22. wtf? im getting pissed
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