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Everything posted by robkmil

  1. we are missing a lot of starters-offense gonna have to do a lot today
  2. Thigpen has put up good numbers the last few weeks.
  3. its early we've been doing well on Offense, not time to give up yet--maybelater but not yet.
  4. wow, now we need to hold them to a fg? Do we have a shoot out on our hands?
  5. Since when has jauron called the offensive plays- i agree not great calls but call for the turk instead
  6. a lot of time talk, what's the call here? pass, run, kick, playaction, run to the outside? We need a td here
  7. guys trying to win a game should do whatever is needed to win that game, especially guys that have let their team down the past few weeks. If he can't take a hit then he shouldn't be in.
  8. The nigerian nightmare and the derrik thomas were awesome
  9. Then complain when they stop the play. your trying to hard to complain about something
  10. Were do you get that he was panicked? i admit it was a bad pass--but he didn't look panicked your jumping tpp cpnclusions
  11. Yeah! and it really killed us on that drive. (sarcasm) The passes that were completed went for first downs. you can complain about the incomplete pass to royal but not the others-we scored
  12. hopefully we'll keep the ground game going today.
  13. looks lynch and jackson are here to play. anybody else?
  14. did we dump off to the RB? I didn't know we had that play in our book
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