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Everything posted by robkmil

  1. screw the cold weather--guys get use to it. half the nfl is from the south.
  2. your crazy--pay a guy that doesn't show up or even tell us what he wants. then he shows up before week1 so he can't miss a paycheck. how many DE's have come around his end? how many penalties have been called on him? He's too cocky. No way he gets big money this year--i won't be happy.
  3. I'd haynesworth, peppers seems to disappear for entire seasons, he was garbage in phillly what do we do with Mcargo? gone? and Anthony Hargrove? will he be back.
  4. The fullback isn't a big need, remember the bills just use him as lineman in the backfield. plus they say he does well on special teams. big mac does a fine job lead blocking. If the Bills were to use the fulback as an offensive weapon and occasionally put the Ball in his hands then I feel they need to upgrade, however-if that is not in there plans then we have mor epressing needs all over the place. Otherwise--I really like your list.
  5. So...why is leodis enjoying being pathetic?
  6. combination of him being a bad nfl OC and bad quarterbacking. his offense did look very good today though.
  7. those guys are great but they excellin 3-4 defensive schemes and we run a 4-3. the non traditional linebackers don'y work as well.
  8. a dominating defensive end will change the defense gameplan and chaneg the game for us.
  9. starting this many rookies will help the team in the long run but starting them right will probably be a small step backwards.
  10. your logic would make more sense if he were to be a free agent after theis season or the upcoming season
  11. oh man that game sounds awesome. A game I use to play with your mother--titty twister
  12. it was awfully suspicious--is it him or the coaching staff? ps: i also hate that our injured guys don't ever appear to be into the game on the sidelines.
  13. now that's the real story, he had bad offenses in Miami and in Buffalo, it appeared he couldn't do much with slash at QB. Atlest he has been able to turn around his coaching career. and some people are just always going to be better as coordinators than head coaches.
  14. I'll first admit that I root for Edwards and believe that he has the ability to be a good qb. however, I find this injury strange. What have the Bills told us about it? how sore is it? what is he doing? is there a projection for him to play this year. Some people in the media might be suggesting its not that big of an injury, ie. Brett Favre would play with it--Ruben Brown on the Edge Does anyone else think that maybe they are keeping him out for his own sake or his psyche. The coaches realized he was in a funk and didn't want his confidence shaken too bad? I hope not, but something just doesn't seem right.
  15. I always thought it would be great to add an affensive threat at fb. I wouldn't mark at as a high priority need but it would be nice to have a FB make catches and run a few times. Larry Centers anyone?
  16. Agreed he's a great talent but he has a lot of baggage and injury problems. the only argument is with so many "high character" guys would one bad apple ruin the whole bunch or just be ignored and eventually fall in line? I dunno, we all see what TO does to every single team he has been on.
  17. i think we need more of a pass catching te not a blocking one-royal is known to be a good blocker.
  18. Ego-NFL is the pinnacle of football coaching. There are only 32 nfl head coaches. It is the ultimate goal of most coaches.
  19. I thought everybody boycotted the probowl anyway. who really watches it anymore?
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