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Everything posted by robkmil

  1. Maybe replace with him Hargrove/ or is this guy done with this franchise?
  2. Its not just that there bid that makes them not good--they're just not that good. Soem big o-lineman have been very good. we just picked the wrong ones
  3. After upsetting the ticket buyers with the coaching situation some moves need to be made to bring excitement to this team. Maybe a trade for Winslw? I don't know if like it but I can see it happening
  4. On the willis hit, willis lowered his head into the defender--not a penalty but a bad accident.
  5. When people discuss whether or not we can afford players it has more to do witht the signing bonus than the contract itself. plus if we still employ the cash to the cap phillosophy how much of a bonus can we put under this year's cap.
  6. I'm on board, let's do it!!
  7. Good players do not hurt the the chance of the team overall--i would hope he wants the ball in his hands but he doesn't need to make a big scene out of it. That takes attention away from the object at hand and puts it on Boldin. This is like Owens complaining after a Cowboys win that he didn't get the ball enough. If at work someone gets selected to do a project that you know you were the better chopice for. Do you complain and B word and try to ruin the project? or do you suck it up and do what your company asks of you?
  8. I call BS as well, what do you do on set? Are you a fluffer?
  9. For them its all about getting to the QB and running the ball. Plus they get to the QB without using linebackers--they should still be good.
  10. Yeah I'm sue every team would go for this trade- We should trade George Wilson for the top pick overall.
  11. Where have you read anything from Fewell? I haven't read any articles with his comments--but I do agree with the statements. The Bills do think they are smarter but don't prove it. Howmany teams spend so many draft picks on the special teams? Yes we have a good special teams but then we lack depth at other positions. We have many guys that are backups but only contribute to special teams.
  12. We alerady have his replacement--McKelvin
  13. A lot of fans would be very angry if the Bills take a first day pick on a WR.
  14. I liked Fassek when he coached the Giants, why don't we ever hear of him interviewing for other jobs?
  15. This was suuppose to be this past season
  16. Agreed, he could end up being our top playmaker.
  17. I would have liked to hear from someone on the staff as to why Ellis and Hardy were not on the field? work ethic? studying? skills? body? a slight injury etc.
  18. The pat downs are a ridiculous process. There need to be a better, more efficient way to get this done. 9$ dollars isn't bad when you look at the size of the beers and compaer them to the cost at other events.
  19. What do you mean by its free? you have to pay to go in and taxpayers pay to maintain it.
  20. You say you are not racist but you sure sound it, and you sound uneducated. You are probably one of those people that says there should be a NAAWP, or there should be a unicef for white people. Look at the spirit of the rule. It is to make sure that people from another background are offered the same opportunity as white people. If you look at the numbers of head coaches it still doesn't make sense. There is a much larger percentage of minorities as players and the coaching staffs should also represent that number. If you have ever studied law-- white educated men are not a protected group, by law. There hasn't been cases of gross discrimination against the educated white male, like there have been against all other classes of people. Therefore, laws are in place to ensure a fair opportunity. The NFL created the Rooney rule to garantee that minorities get the same opportunities as everybody else. Go wear your sheet in private but your true colors are showing here.
  21. he has brought in free agents the past few years--The Bills are smart when it comes to marketing, at least Brandon is. He knows some people need to be signed to be able to sell tickets.
  22. It's called being a fan and rooting for a team enjoy it or leave the board.
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