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Everything posted by Erik

  1. Mitchell needs to settle down...
  2. I hate Tony Gonzalez
  3. Leodis and Corner both forcing turnovers today...not bad
  4. Yeah I am still shocked...
  5. Looks like he went out---16-14
  6. There you go Leodis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. I actually liked the play calling there...better execution and we should have gotten 1st downs on both plays...can't put it on the coaches there...
  8. Good idea...bad execution...
  9. Big play there!!!
  10. That guy clearly hasn't seen any film on Ellison...if he had he wouldn't have held him. There you go Stroud!!!
  11. How about you guys go play this game somewhere else and let us focus on the real game...
  12. At least seems to be growing a pair back...not all the way back yet though...
  13. Stroud is good but I believe that they put four guys on him every play and let Denney and Kelsay come free since all they do is run upfield in a straight line every play anyway...
  14. No kidding...do people still want to rip on Whitner? Those plays don't happen when he's in the lineup.
  15. You know...all the Trent hate wouldn't be so stupid if his back-up hadn't failed for us time and time again...
  16. The KC D will be back on it's heels the whole game between the 20's. We need to open up some play action, Trent needs to get his head out of his you know where though.
  17. Yeah...have a little faith Dick...he can't miss that pass twice in a row can he?
  18. Beast Mode is back...
  19. Yeah...forget a draw play here now...
  20. Kelly vrs. Montana...boy was that an exciting game...
  21. Bowe helping us on this drive...
  22. I'm not so sure that the Chiefs have the personnel to make this happen though...
  23. Perfect team to play at this point...31st ranked rushing D...looks like Marshawn could have a monster day if that drive is any indication...esp. since Edwards will keep throwing to him every time he drops back...
  24. No...it's ok for straight people to shower with gay people if they are in the closet but it's not if they are openly gay? What's the difference?
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