Ralph Wilson really needs to bite the bullet here and do what's best for the team that he built with his bare hands. He needs to go to Jim Kelly, go to Jack Kemp, go to whoever else is looking to buy this team and sell RIGHT NOW. The Toronto move looks like it might be another failure so I'm sure the NFL won't be so keen on Rogers getting a hold of the team so just stop delaying the inevitable and sell the team to an interested party who is interested in winning now. Honestly why keep running the team if you aren't willing to put 100% of your resources into it. He is over 90 years old now, he's not going to be around that much longer. If he wants to see them win before he dies he should really do the right thing and take a seat from the sidelines and let someone else take the reigns. We have been one of the most passionate fan bases in the NFL for as long as we've been in existence and we don't deserve this. The fans and the players, past and present don't deserve this. Please Raplh, I am begging, let go, and let us move on...