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Everything posted by Erik

  1. Well this dude is obviously under the impression that she is dead right? He talks about her in the past tense. But the supposed girl called Te'o to tell her that she wasn't dead (or even real?). This is so bizarre.
  2. The funny thing is when I heard about it back then I just assumed there was a story going around that I hadn't heard about previously. I'd imagine a lot of other casual observers just thought the same thing.
  3. Or he actually did talk to a girl but it wasn't the girl in the picture, just some other female who was in on it with the other dude.
  4. Right, even if it started as a hoax, he lied to cover it up. He said he met her at Stanford, his father said all those things to the South Bend Tribune. It would be terrible if Teo knew about it and his father didn't and he let his father go out there and give all of those quotes that Teo himself knew not to be true.
  5. I thought it was weird when the girl said she just took the picture for the guy but it would be dumb of Deadspin not to triple check their facts while reporting on a story in which major media companies were terribly duped on. Also why would a chick even want to mess with a guy who is a potential Heisman candidate and future NFL player who was destined to make millions?
  6. The crazy thing about this story is how many of the details were inconsistent between all of the stories written. And none of them picked up on it?
  7. Yeah, Fitzpatrick has carved up their defenses every single game he's played against them the last 2-3 years. We'd have 30 in every game we played against them if we didn't turn the ball over.
  8. I read a few tweets that said the Bills were high on Hackett from his time here so who's to say that they didn't?
  9. Well, technically you can't have one without the other.
  10. This is the biggest thing I worry about. Like others sick of the same old crap I don't mind the hire because it's finally something outside the box but can you telegraph your 1st round pick anymore?
  11. If we suddenly hear that Carmichael is the front runner in CHI I'll buy this.
  12. Sorry...was unclear...wasn't comparing him to the current situation, just speaking to the age thing. McDaniels was 32 I believe when he was named head coach of Denver.
  13. How old was McDaniels when he became OC? Late 20's I believe and he was hired by the Broncos in his early 30's.
  14. Do they still have Rashean Mathis? Besides him I am at a loss. I know they had a safety but isn't that Reggie Nelson who is now on the Bengals?
  15. Why don't we just ask him about this through his Twitter account
  16. This was an anti-old school, Wilson or Nix type of hire. I said when Brandon had his press conference that they were definitely going to be going in a different direction and IMO this hire just confirms that. Hopefully the different direction will provide different results.
  17. Contract agreed to in principle, now working with the lawyers/agents to finalize.
  18. Joe Buscaglia ‏@JoeBuscaglia League source tells me #Bills are going to approach the defensive coordinator position very aggressively.
  19. Did you even read the article? A) Some of the guys mentioned have extensive NFL experience and B) much of the article was to illustrate who he worked with in the past that can give him recommendations to pro coaches
  20. Good article outlining his connections http://www.buffalorumblings.com/2013/1/6/3842176/doug-marrone-coaching-tree-influences
  21. Also it's worth noting that our new Team President, soon-to-be GM and Head Coach are all very highly thought of by people around the league. Looks like the players may have been notified Donald ‏@Dajones19 The new era begins in buffalo
  22. You also have to look at his former bosses and fellow coaches at his old spots and see who they may recommend. Payton, Edwards, guys on their staffs, etc.
  23. Was waiting all morning for this one...
  24. Don't feel like finding the post up-thread but didn't Wawrow confirm the same thing a few pages ago?
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