Funny that when they were 5-1 it was because Donahoe was so great and wise but when they fell off it was because Levy/Jauron, etc. were so horrible. The funny thing is that besides Lee and Peters there may not be an impact player on this roster left from the Donahoe by 2010. Schobel and Kelsay both have their last shot this season, Reed is up, and I'm not sure how long we can justify paying Roscoe what he makes. Either way, I'm not sure how you can classify the Donahoe era as anything but a failure.
That being said, are some of Mort's criticisms fair and valid? Obviously, but it's not exactly insider scoop, much less anything any of us can't deduce on our own without him saying it. But c'mon, three years later Mort is still crying foul about how Donahoe was dismissed. Anyone who has a brain can see that Tom Donahoe did absolutely nothing to be given a new contract at the money he was making at the time. When Mort starts being straight about our faults and not taking personal shots at people because they fired his friend, I'm not sure why anyone should give him the benefit of the doubt.