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Everything posted by Erik

  1. So does that mean there was an unconfirmed report?
  2. Yeah but really is it that huge of a deal? As crazy as it sounds, Buffalo might even have an advantage since the do have so many holes. With 3 picks in the top 42 what is the priority? Pass rush? O-Line? LB? I think that's the point, it really doesn't matter because in the long run it really gives nothing away. If Orakpo, Brown, Raji, or Curry fall they would jump all over them, O-Line be damned...it's about the best player on the board.
  3. Is this an indication of Peters' popularity in the locker room or just silver lining talk from Whitner? YOU decide.
  4. Wasn't Brandon the one who wanted to kick Jauron to the curb? Maybe he was given assurances that if Jauron can't crack .500 again this season he'd be gone and Brandon is fixing to bring on his new coach after this year.
  5. I think that the front office is quite confident with Whitner and Scott starting as safety so I'm not sure why people keep talking about that glaring hole especially when they are so many other holes to fill. And can we quit with this Crowell love all of a sudden, most of this board was ready to run him out of town after 2007 and now that he has left he is god's gift. I don't quite get it.
  6. Good looks
  7. I couldn't either but I figured there was people who were more familiar with the web site. I thought it was kind of strange myself when they didn't provide a link.
  8. Bills Daily reports that the Buffalo News is reporting that Chris Kelsay's name is also coming up in trade talks. I haven't seen that anywhere. It does make sense if we think we can get Orakpo or Brown...Kelsay and Denney are similar players and Denney is much cheaper...but damn Brandon is not messing around is he?
  9. That's a point that isn't brought up enough. IMO I think Peters skates too much on his raw talent...it means nothing if he doesn't apply it. I'd still have liked to get something done with him but at the same time I go agree we had to draw the line. I'm not overly thrilled with the haul either but I'm hoping Nix upgrades our scouting dept. enough to make some strong picks.
  10. Where is the Tim-symbol? I wonder if we'll see some of these tertiary moves fall into place now HOPEFULLY including Freddie.
  11. Parrish can't run a route to save his life and that is what Welker excels at...Dante Hall is a much better comparable.
  12. Please...Parrish wouldn't even come close to wrapping his head around that offense. Get what you can for him, he's dead weight and he makes too much. He was hardly punted too last year anyway.
  13. You were far too kind there VABills....
  14. So...how do I make my order?
  15. Or he could be sorry for the incident yet still feel it was unnecessary to be tasered. I'm not sure it really has to be a "one or the other" situation.
  16. Only one DUI is not many compared to other NFL franchises...go look it up. And we have been getting more attention, Whitner's arrest was on the front page of ESPN.com, guys like that on other teams wouldn't be on there. Simply put if you want to criticize the team on an isolated basis, be my guest, they deserve it, but all this talk about how bad we are and we are the worst team in the league and have so many thugs, etc. is bs. I live in Boston and they aren't any better here. It's the culture these guys grow up in and it's not just players drafted by the Bills. I understand that people need to get on their high horse but to be honest the constant over-exaggeration is getting old. And again so you don't need to repeat something stupid like "you haven't had a drunken driver affect anyone you know" I am not saying the incidents are not bad, they are very bad and should be equally criticized. But the attitude that it isn't as bad when someone in another uniform does it, or because you don't hear as much about it, is just plain silly to me and this post in particular is representative of that attitude.
  17. Good thing he didn't pull out his gun "thinking it was his tazer"
  18. John Wawrow getting in on the fun In all honestly, we are not close to the Bengals or the Cowboys or the Dolphins. Every team has players who have run ins with the law...hell, everyone's "model franchise", the Pats, have had three or four run ins with the law in about the past year. And honestly, Buffalo's transgressions have not been that bad considering. No wife beating, only one DUI, it could be worse but in a smaller white collar town like Buffalo these things like to stick out more. Being in Boston I can tell you that no one batted an eyelash when Kevin Faulk was busted smoking weed...and even less people cared when one of their late round rookies was busted with a DUI. I'm not saying it's not a big deal but Buffalo seems to get more attention for it for some reason.
  19. Seriously, we are seeing a lot more athletes being charged with "disorderly conduct"...are athletes really being that more disorderly? Anyway, don't see much coming out of this...Isn't it the same thing they popped Ko for? Also Dhani Jones got arrested for it a few years ago (I remember it because his "disorderly conduct was dancing on the street after a cop told him to stop).
  20. Tim, First of all your awesome. But can't you understand the frustration. I understand that Goodell screwed up the Marshall punishment. Everyone in the world knows it. But can't you see, from a Bills perspective, how frustrating it is that we have to be the example for everything because we seemingly don't matter. My brother, who is a Pats fans, went on a rant this morning about how stupid the NFL is and how they treat the Bills (and with no provocation from me no less.) The only thing I'm saying is that this is really an empty gesture from Goodell if he keeps letting players from teams that his buddies own off the hook and then "Making an example" with the Buffalo Bills of the world. Lynch's punishment is harsher than he sentence and Goodell's excuse is that it is different from the law but when a Patriot is involved in an HGH selling scandal and rats out his supplier Goodell says discipline is not necessary because he saw no charges...seems like a double standard to me. And I'm still wondering what Pacman jones did to get reinstated...short answer - he signed with the Cowboys. It isn't really a matter of right and wrong anymore. Wrong isn't as bad for some people depending on the color of their jersey. That's my problem and that should be everyone's problem around here. I'm a Bills fan, I want to see them succeed so I don't want to see them put at a disadvantage that other teams that they compete against otherwise wouldn't be. And that's my problem with the whole thing. Sorry for the rant, like I said...just frustrating after all these years.
  21. Ha. I didn't even think of that. This is a total bag job. Open your eyes people.
  22. And I don't see an appeal going down after this big song and dance with Goodell and Lynch either. I just can't believe a fan of this team can be ok with this...any fan of the time. The legal system is there to punish Lynch and it has. But once again in the court of the NFL the more money you line into their pockets, the more you can get away with. So while the Pat Bowlens and the Robert Krafts of the world have guys on their rosters beating their wives and dealing drugs at their gyms and getting away virtually unscathed, we can stand proud because our player got a harsher punishment so Goodell could "make a point". That's just brilliant.
  23. Which is doesn't...compare Marshall's rap sheet to his...if Marshawn serves more than one game it's a joke...
  24. Absolutely ridiculous. I hope all the people that hoped that they would throw the book at Lynch to "prove a point" are happy now that the NFL has basically screwed us...again.
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