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Everything posted by grinreaper

  1. You actually can't see it?
  2. So, I guess you were referring to "phantom" accomplishments, eh?
  3. What has she actually accomplished, for the good that is.
  4. Obama and Hillary are constantly playing the race and gender cards. Anytime someone disagrees with them they pull them out and get the left to agree with them and echo that sentiment. All one has to do is disagree with one of them and that person will be denigrated as a racist or as someone perpetuating the "war on women". Your posts here in this thread as they refer to LA's posts show that you've really mastered the fine art of being obtuse.
  5. http://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M601987695d4b8becccc726ed937db48eH0&w=146&h=105&c=7&rs=1&qlt=90&pid=3.1&rm=2
  6. What's wrong with tax credits?
  7. You are being obtuse.
  8. So, you have a better track record than Trump? In order to convince anyone of anything you'll need to show us your bona fides. I've worked for many years in the real estate and development field getting projects to the groundbreaking stage. I know the hurdles and mine were relatively small projects compared to Trump's projects. Trust me, he is a capable person.
  9. I'm not claiming that I do. This is a forum where people come to discuss ideas, not a place where you should just simply take a position and then blindly try to defend it. If you were formally debating someone at university it would be ok to be handed a position to debate and try to defend it, because the whole purpose of the debate is to improve your debating skills. This place isn't designed that way so let's discuss it without digging our heels in.
  10. Do you have any idea what it takes to get a small development project to fruition, let alone a large one? Temperment and potty mouth aside, he has many major career accomplishments. I might also add that it would appear that he's done a damn good job in raising his offspring.
  11. You know when things wind down for the day I ponder things like if Ricky Williams could have had a better and longer career. I simply asked a question, one that you obviously can't or don't want to answer. So tell me, does pot help someone reach their full potential?
  12. Or think they were training harder. How do you know that they reached their full potential?
  13. The real question to ask though is did pot usage rob them of their full potential?
  14. You can say that again.
  15. He's trying to orchestrate a loss for Trump in Utah.
  16. Reducing the effective rate corporations pay to a rate similar to Ireland's rate while simultaneously closing corporate loopholes is a start, no?
  17. How things have changed. My high school not only had a rifle club as an extra curriculum but an indoor range in the school!
  18. Methinks you just don't understand the issue. Should the government be able to force me to stone my children or smoke weed? Obviously not, so why should they force me to take pictures at a gay wedding or bake them a cake? I personally wouldn't want someone commemorating my wedding or preparing food for me and my guests that really, really didn't want to do it.
  19. Forcing someone to join in or support something that is against their religion is what's wrong. It's a slippery slope that can only lead to disaster.
  20. What specifically was impressive?
  21. Hey, if Hillary only deleted personal emails that had no national security concerns then what is treasonous about Trump's statement to the Russians? I get it that you don't like Trump. I don't much like him either. The way I see it though is that a Hillary presidency is totally unacceptable and would be the worst case scenario. I can throw my vote away and vote for a third party candidate and help elect Hillary or I can vote for Trump and do my best to defeat Hillary.
  22. Then why hasn't the State Department or FBI done so? Do you actually think that the Russians need to be prodded by Trump to hack U.S. government accounts? If they weren't already deleted then they already have been hacked.
  23. No, Trump did not call for Russia to hack anything. If the 30,000 emails have already been deleted they can't be hacked. He sarcastically said that if they already had them they should release them.
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