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Everything posted by grinreaper

  1. I think that it is unfair to not have urinals in the ladies room.
  2. The shots heard round the world, eh? http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/fast-and-furious-paris-attacks-gun-terrorist/2016/07/05/id/737087/
  3. It would seem to me that CK is talking out of both sides of his mouth and you are only listening to the message you want to hear.
  4. What represents a "reputable news agency"?
  5. Hey, give credit where credit is due. I'm the one that pointed out that Donna Brazile had two fathers. It was done in response to another poster making remarks regarding her intelligence. It was done in a tongue-in-cheek manner. Then again "Jean" may just be the name of a French guy.
  6. If you are wondering what is wrong with her, just look at her parents. Donna Brazile Born: Dec 15, 1959 (age 56) · Kenner, LA Party: Democratic Party Education: Louisiana State University Parents: Lionel Brazile (Father) · Jean Brazile (Father) TV shows: This Week Nominations: News & Documentary Emmy Award for Outstanding Live Coverage of a Current News Story – Long Form (2011) Timeline 1981: Brazile earned a bachelor's degree in industrial psychology from Louisiana State University in 1981, and is a fellow at the Institute of Politics at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government. 1999: In 1999, Brazile was appointed deputy campaign manager and was later promoted to campaign manager of the 2000 presidential campaign of Vice-President Al Gore, becoming the first African-American woman to manage a major party presidential campaign. 2000: She was the first African American to direct a major presidential campaign, acting as campaign manager for Vice President Al Gore in 2000.
  7. When lambasting others it is important to not do it in a way that displays your ignorance.
  8. Look it over again and check out her parents. That might explain something.
  9. There is a reason she's sort of weird, Just look at who her parents are. Donna Brazile Born: Dec 15, 1959 (age 56) · Kenner, LA Party: Democratic Party Education: Louisiana State University Parents: Lionel Brazile (Father) · Jean Brazile (Father) TV shows: This Week Nominations: News & Documentary Emmy Award for Outstanding Live Coverage of a Current News Story – Long Form (2011) Timeline 1981: Brazile earned a bachelor's degree in industrial psychology from Louisiana State University in 1981, and is a fellow at the Institute of Politics at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government. 1999: In 1999, Brazile was appointed deputy campaign manager and was later promoted to campaign manager of the 2000 presidential campaign of Vice-President Al Gore, becoming the first African-American woman to manage a major party presidential campaign. 2000: She was the first African American to direct a major presidential campaign, acting as campaign manager for Vice President Al Gore in 2000. 2000: After the post-election fight over votes in the 2000 United States presidential election in Florida, Brazile was appointed chair of the Democratic National Committee's Voting Rights Institute. 2004: Cooking with Grease: Stirring the Pots in American Politics written by Donna Brazile was first published in 2004. 2008: In the 2008 election, she served as a superdelegate for her work for Bill Clinton and Al Gore.
  10. Yes, Chris. Nice question re open borders. I wonder what she would give for a Kleenex right now.
  11. So I guess what you are saying is that you and Trump have a lot in common?
  12. Oh sure, make fun of somebody just for being right!
  13. Another empty post. Please either contribute here or just go away.
  14. No I didn't. Read again what I stated. I was referring to people in authority telling people what they could wear. The rest of your post is just plain horseshit. Phuck off, you little bitchmudgeon.
  15. She spent 8 years living in the WH and traveling the world with her grandkids all on our dime and somehow she qualifies for a 160k annual pension?
  16. http://thebostontribune.com/first-grandma-marian-robinson-receive-lifetime-160k-government-pension/ Washington D.C. – First Grandma Marian Robinson, 79, will receive a lifetime 160K government pension when she leaves the White House next year, according to congressional budget statements. According to documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), Mrs. Robinson earned the lifetime pension for “services rendered as full-time/in-home caregiver” for granddaughters Malia, 18, and Sasha, 15, during President Obama’s two terms in office. In January of 2009, it was reported that Mrs. Robinson was living in the White House full-time to tend to her granddaughters. She was the first live-in grandmother at the White House since Elivera M. Doud, the mother of Mamie Eisenhower, during the Eisenhower Administration.
  17. I gave you specific examples and since you can't dispute them you fall back on a simplistic blanket statement. Tell me, what do you think of segregation? You know, the kind of segregation that some colleges are pushing for.
  18. We as a country have for the last few decades and especially the last decade spiraled downward to a point where our moral fiber, courage and common sense have gone AWOL. We have cowered at the feet of the Social Justice Warriors to the point where cops will take a severe beating before protecting themselves and students get "safe zones" all the while having their Halloween costumes regulated. HRC will continue this trend. DJT won't.
  19. Per Gennifer Flowers Willie told her that Hillary has eaten more kitty than he has.
  20. Better yet he should think first and then not post.
  21. While I don't necessarily agree with everything in the link, I agree with the basic premise. http://raygano.com/why-i-can-vote-with-a-clear-conscience/ If you have voted in any of the past elections, then you voted for the lesser of 2 evils. You have voted for the same coin, different side. Do your research on the Bushes…might make your hair stand on end. This election is not about the personality nor about “politics” as usual. This is the one election that in all of our history is a fork in the road that we had better choose wisely. This next president will appoint several Supreme Court justices. That alone should be enough to make everyone sit up and take notice. If HRC is allowed to stack that Supreme Court, the country is gone. It is that serious. There is no turning back, none. Read the rest at the link. We will not have the luxury to say, we can hang for another 4 years. The communist planks are all in place…that ball is at the finish line and just needs that last punt over the goal posts and it is game over. That one issue will have ramifications for decades. Your children and grandkids will experience the full weight of that one issue alone. Here is what we know: Donald Trump the Good, Bad, and Ugly; currently or in his past: Brash, rude, egotistical, adulterer, crude, I am sure I missed a few. He is a New Yorker with very rough edges. There may or may not be more skeletons in his closet. Who among us does not have them. I know that if more “stuff” s thrown out there, I want proof because I do not for one minute believe anything the wicked lying media says. They are in this to push full on globalism with a communist underpinning. Read the rest at the link.
  22. I think that's just the tip, so to speak.
  23. Hillary to be outed? http://www.secretsofthefed.com/drudge-report-promises-hillary-sex-bombshell/ A bombshell is about to drop regarding US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s sex life, highly influential media figure Matt Drudge promised Saturday. A tweet sent by the reclusive, but prominent journalist featuring a picture from Hillary’s Friday appearance on Ellen was captioned, “Oh, on the sex stuff. Hillary is about to get hers…” “It was hard enough to cover up for the affairs of Bill, but it was extremely difficult to cover up for Hillary and her lesbian affairs,” Nichols told Jones. “And it was tough and she was tough. She’s a butch.” Nichols also described an instance in which Secret Service agents at the White House heard commotion emanating from the upstairs living quarters, and entered the room to find Hillary in bed with Night Court actress Markie Post. “They were in bed together and Bill pulled up a chair and wanted to watch and Hillary was throwing ashtrays and laughs at him,” Nichols claimed. “That’s the sicko people we call the Clintons.” Also last year, The National Enquirer also claimed the reason Hillary deleted her emails was because they were “packed full of lesbian references and her lovers’ names.”
  24. Why would these bad guys ever admit their misdeeds? https://www.conservativereview.com/commentary/2016/10/undercover-video-shows-democrat-operatives-admitting-they-incited-violence-at-trump-rallies
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