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Everything posted by grinreaper

  1. You criticize 4mer and then post a quoted paragraph without providing a link?
  2. Use a Kleenex or something, man.
  3. Did you see that he was caught red handed plagiarizing just a few days after returning here?
  4. Gitmo, eh?
  5. So, gatorman copied and pasted someone else's work and claimed it was his own? Isn't that against the TOS here?
  6. That's just not right. Some poor creature was able to schit him out. It would be pretty cruel to that creature to stuff him back in.
  7. You need to gain an understanding of the causes of the "Great Recession". Read up on the CRA for starters. When you've done that see who practically begged Congress to reign in the risky practices associated with it. Your disdain for anyone associated with a "yes" vote for the Iraqi war is blinding you in other areas.
  8. Gatorman is the originator of this thread.
  9. He quoted Bob from Michigan so I thought I'd ask him about the movie.
  10. So "Cuga" eats more boogers than I do? What about Bob?
  11. Hey, you should feel privileged that he's descended from his high perch in the Shoutbox to set you straight down here in the cellar.
  12. Ah, another "independent voter" speaks out as you simultaneously swallow #44's ejaculated nonsense. Frankly speaking, you are not worth discussing anything with. I don't argue with drunks either.
  13. Don't put words in my mouth. Climate change has appeared to be with us since the beginning. Your feeble efforts to confuse man made global warming with climate fluctuation is pathetic.
  14. I'm fearful that Trump will NOT do as he stated on the campaign. Also, you are dead wrong about the people he has been and will choose for government positions. Nicky Haley anyone?
  15. There is much to dislike Trump on a personal level but I think it would be wise to see what policies he settles on (along with the rest of his cabinet) and how they will affect our country.
  16. http://www.climatedepot.com/2016/11/24/antarctic-sea-ice-has-not-shrunk-in-100-years/ "Antarctic sea ice had barely changed from where it was 100 years ago, scientists have discovered, after pouring over the logbooks of great polar explorers such as Robert Falcon Scott and Ernest Shackleton. Experts were concerned that ice at the South Pole had declined significantly since the 1950s, which they feared was driven by man-made climate change. But new analysis suggests that conditions are now virtually identical to when the Terra Nova and Endurance sailed to the continent in the early 1900s, indicating that declines are part of a natural cycle and not the result of global warming." –Sarah Knapton, The Daily Telegraph, 24 November 2016
  17. Now that's funny.
  18. Trump voters "spazzed out" and voted out of frustration. Clinton voters and Clinton non-voters waited to "spazz out" until the election was over. I have the funny feeling that whatever person supposedly on the right won you'd still be bitching and doing your own little "spazzing", and I'm the simple one eh?
  19. You still don't understand what happened in this election, do you?
  20. You don't follow very well, do you? They are the ones plotting their own departure. Many here have just pointed the way to the door.
  21. I wasn't sure if in your terrified state you understood that it was a relatively few pockets of people that voted for your candidate.
  22. The areas colored red were the precincts that he won.
  23. Why would the USA want to invade California? Would it be to prevent them from trying to rescind their independence?
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