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Everything posted by grinreaper

  1. This is why you are impossible to discuss anything with.
  2. Sure, Trump is the dangerous one. Hillary proposes a policy that would put us on the path to war with a nuclear armed country while Trump wants to explore the possibility of working with that country. You've sucked in too much diesel fumes at you toll booth I'm afraid.
  3. Oh please educate me. What were the lies exactly?
  4. This is an automated post. Please change the thread title to something more appropriate. Something like "Snowflakes Post Here" would do nicely.
  5. I really try to avoid responding to you but I'm going to call you out here. What you posted is an outright lie. http://www.redstate.com/diary/ken_taylor/2010/10/03/a-tale-of-two-rallies-conservative-vs-liberal-who-trashed-the-mall-and-the-country/ After the Glenn Beck rally with hundred of thousands of people in attendance around the Mall area of Washington eating, drinking and generally camping out for an entire day, once the rally was completed with the exception of specified areas where trash was designated to be left for pick up, the Mall was left spotless. In fact so spotless that one could not tell that a rally had taken place. Even the designated trash pick up areas were tidy with trash stacked neatly in containers or bags for easy disposal. Contrast this with the after math of the rally held by the left on October 2. Not only was the trash not placed in containers or stacked neatly for disposal, but the entire Mall area was trashed including locations where no one was standing during the rally. Sacred Memorials like the WWII Memorial were left looking like a garbage dump. The area around the Lincoln Memorial resembled a trash pile. Signs and leaflets were strewn everywhere. Bottles and uneaten food were tossed wherever participants has stood or walked. Food wrappers were blowing in the breeze looking for a place to cling for some poor soul to have to pick up by hand in order to throw it away. It will take days and thousands of dollars to clean up the mess left behind. After the Beck rally those who carried the trash away completed their clean up task shortly after the rally finished.
  6. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2017/01/21/21/3C5F20CE00000578-4142950-image-a-241_1485033864585.jpg Michael Moore with his own special Kitty Hat,
  7. Here, I got you a more appropriate avatar: https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?&id=OIP.M7f1f1bd1b5ffe317481ac206bb690043H0&w=300&h=300&c=0&pid=1.9&rs=0&p=0&r=0
  8. John Podesta was right, you do smell like boiled cabbage!
  9. Elections have consequences so you can just go sit in the back.
  10. This was in response to Obama saying he wanted to "fundamentally change America".
  11. Stay classy presumes he was classy in the first place.
  12. I doubt Reverend Wright has been asked to preach at Trump's inauguration.
  13. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/agencies-rush-to-publish-rules-before-trump-takes-office/ar-AAm2CjV?li=BBnb7Kz On the eve of Donald Trump's inauguration on Friday, federal agencies are racing to publish midnight rules before the president-elect institutes a regulatory moratorium. The Federal Register was overwhelmed Thursday with nearly 1,500 pages worth of rules from federal agencies. Miriam Kleiman, a spokesperson for the Federal Register, described it as "one of the largest ever" editions of the government's rulebook. "It certainly is a busy time for the Federal Register," Kleiman told The Hill. "There is a huge increase in the volume [of rules we receive] toward the end of an administration," she added. The rules are known as midnight regulations, and represent a final attempt by the Obama administration to leave a mark on Washington's rulebooks before Trump takes over at the White House. Trump has called for a freeze on all new regulations, and the president-elect and congressional Republicans are expected to try to roll back rules they disagree with. That's also created a deadline for agencies that want to complete work before Trump takes office, and many appear to be working overtime. Susan Dudley, a former administrator for Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs who now heads George Washington University's Regulatory Studies Center, estimates that on an average day, the Federal Register publishes 300 pages of proposed and final rules, public notices and documents. On Thursday, the Federal Register published 1,464 pages of rules. That's the second-highest total since the 2016 election, following the 1,465 pages published on Nov. 18. Another 1,017 pages of rules were published on Dec. 20.
  14. Just how many sites do you post on?
  15. Who wants to wipe their asswhole with, well, an asswhole?
  16. Well, when you get your lubrication from Duckdog what did you think would happen?
  17. Oh sure, now you're going to be one of gator's minions.
  18. I live in Chautauqua County. I used to get gas in PA whenever I could because it was about .25 a gallon less and was pretty much identical with what was on the reservation in Salamanca. I was in Irving last Saturday and gas was $1.75 but $2.19 in Salamanca earlier in the week.
  19. The other day the price in Erie was $2.55-$2.59. At the time NYS price was $2.49. Seneca Nation was $1.75.
  20. With House GOP sprinting ahead without a plan, it’s worth remembering how carefully we considered #ACA. That would have been after they passed it, right?
  21. In weasel like fashion Lewis says Trump's presidency is not legitimate but Trump's reaction to the little ferret is the story? http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump%e2%80%99s-feud-with-john-lewis-prompts-outrage-among-blacks/ar-AAlTQHf?li=BBnb7Kz&ocid=HPCOMMDHP15
  22. In other words, "bump"?
  23. "The River Wild" was actually a pretty good action movie.
  24. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-4114634/Marijuana-DOES-cause-schizophrenia-triggers-heart-attacks-experts-say-landmark-study-slams-drug-s-medical-benefits-unproven.html Marijuana does raise the risk of getting schizophrenia and triggers heart attacks, according to the most significant study on the drug's effects to date. A federal advisory panel admitted cannabis can almost certainly ease chronic pain, and might help some people sleep. But it dismisses most of the drug's other supposedly 'medical benefits' as unproven. Crucially, the researchers concluded there is not enough research to say whether marijuana effectively treats epilepsy - one of the most widely-recognized reasons for cannabis prescriptions. The report also casts doubt on using cannabis to treat cancers, irritable bowel syndrome, or certain symptoms of Parkinson's disease, or helping people beat Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-4114634/Marijuana-DOES-cause-schizophrenia-triggers-heart-attacks-experts-say-landmark-study-slams-drug-s-medical-benefits-unproven.html#ixzz4VbyvGtS1 Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
  25. I was thinking that I should get a new pair of winter boots just the other day.
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