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Everything posted by grinreaper

  1. Does Kellyanne Conway own a clothing line?
  2. I enjoyed my time working in Santa Barbara and Carpinteria while living in Ventura.
  3. Touring stocks, are they like Cannabis Cruises?
  4. It costs about $30,000 annually to "educate" a student in DC schools, which is substantially higher than other school districts. The article that I've linked is several years old, so take that into account. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/michael-mcshane/dc-public-schools-grossly_b_1638663.html
  5. George, the anti semitic is back. Gel Mibson welcomes you. Head Numbskull In Charge, or something like that. Now will you return to your cave?
  6. What do tides sound like? I guess I've been deprived too.
  7. How little you understand. Just now gator is draining his piggy bank and asking for his allowance a day early so that he can take advantage of your illegal financial advice. It's only a matter of time before the knock, knock comes.
  8. Try to visit the Moreton Bay Fig Tree.
  9. http://ijr.com/wildfire/2017/02/794398-this-magnificent-video-of-trump-listening-to-obama-clinton-on-immigration-is-just-what-the-worlds-been-waiting-for/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook While much of the nation is “shocked, shocked I tell you,” by President Trump's travel ban order, as well as his determination to enforce the country's borders, a video has come along that puts the faux hysteria into perfect context: Trump listening to former Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama on illegal immigration. One thing noticeably absent: Mobs of protesters torching buildings and assaulting citizens after Clinton and Obama spoke out against illegal immigration.
  10. I haven't been involved in this but can you please include me in the "certain posters" group?
  11. I demand a link!
  12. You are as disingenuous as they come. Absent that, you can't read and/or comprehend.
  13. Now that is one schitty hotel. It explains a lot.
  14. Are you saying your time spent with him was not very fulfilling?
  15. Those damn miners. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2017/01/13/epa-wont-pay-claims-mine-spill-released-3m-gallons-toxic-water/96555846/ http://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/9518b093f1447bc6ea8b4e664aa5bb844f93d506/c=87-0-1996-1435&r=x404&c=534x401/local/-/media/2017/01/13/TXNMGroup/Farmington/636199202898102600-FMN-EPA-0114-02.jpg
  16. https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/answer-sheet/post/brother-of-vp-biden-promotes-charters-invoking-family-name/2011/11/22/gIQAnhLFfO_blog.html?utm_term=.f869e2e4c2ef Francis W. “Frank” Biden, a younger brother of Vice President Joe Biden, is a real estate developer in Florida. He also is helping a for-profit company open charter schools in the state by employing a major asset: his last name. In February, Frank Biden urged the Palm Beach County School Board to approve a charter school proposal from the company, known as Mavericks in Education. “I give you my word of honor on my family name that this system is sustainable,” Biden told the board in the videotaped Feb. 2 special meeting. “This school will be sustained.” Afterward, the board voted to approve the Mavericks proposal, overriding a staff recommendation to deny the application because of questions about its fiscal soundness and academic quality.
  17. Did you eat at Sarah's everyday?
  18. http://www.theamericanmirror.com/confusion-maxine-waters-claims-putin-continuing-advance-korea/ Waters continued, “And the fact that he is wrapping his arms around Putin while Putin is continuing to advance into Korea.”
  19. 11 threads on the front page have been started by the OP here.
  20. Don't they always show the coin toss?
  21. Get your facts straight.
  22. It's as if he has his printed word translated by computer. Reminds me of Sabres articles from Montreal.
  23. Or maybe "wear with all".
  24. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=guXBTgAxhIw&list=PLbRhDBwBO-_OjUrm4FcSgVItuTX3zNMWW&index=1 Brigitte Gabriel on Islam.
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