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Everything posted by grinreaper
The Deep State War Heats Up :ph34r:
grinreaper replied to Deranged Rhino's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Well, we could always take the low hanging fruit that is Canada, but why would we want to? -
You don't debate or discuss but you got that proclamation thing down pretty good.
Pawns of Liberals By Prof. Walter E. Williams Ordinary black people cannot afford to go along with the liberal agenda that calls for undermining police authority. That agenda makes for more black crime victims. Let’s look at what works and what doesn’t work. In 1990, New York City adopted the practice in which its police officers might stop and question a pedestrian. If there was suspicion, they would frisk the person for weapons and other contraband. This practice, well within the law, is known as a Terry stop. After two decades of this proactive police program, New York City’s homicides fell from over 2,200 per year to about 300. Blacks were the major beneficiaries of proactive policing. According to Manhattan Institute scholar Heather Mac Donald — author of “The War on Cops” — seeing as black males are the majority of New York City’s homicide victims, more than 10,000 blacks are alive today who would not be had it not been for proactive policing. The American Civil Liberties Union and other leftist groups brought suit against proactive policing. A U.S. District Court judge ruled that New York City’s “stop and frisk” policy violated the 14th Amendment’s promise of equal protection because black and Hispanic people were subject to stops and searches at a higher rate than whites. But the higher rate was justified. Mac Donald points out that while blacks are 23 percent of New York City’s population, they are responsible for 75 percent of shootings and 70 percent of robberies. Whites are 34 percent of the population of New York City. They are responsible for less than 2 percent of shootings and 4 percent of robberies. If you’re trying to prevent shootings and robberies, whom are you going to focus most attention on, blacks or whites? In 2015, 986 people were shot and killed by police. Of that number, 495 were white (50 percent), and 258 were black (26 percent). Liberals portray shootings by police as racist attacks on blacks. To solve this problem, they want police departments to hire more black police officers. It turns out that the U.S. Justice Department has found that black police officers in San Francisco and Philadelphia are likelier than whites to shoot and use force against black suspects. That finding is consistent with a study of 2,699 fatal police killings between 2013 and 2015, conducted by John R. Lott Jr. and Carlisle E. Moody of the Crime Prevention Research Center, showing that the odds of a black suspect’s being killed by a black police officer were consistently greater than the odds of a black suspect’s being killed by a white officer. And little is said about cops killed. Mac Donald reports that in 2013, 42 percent of cop killers were black. Academic liberals and civil rights spokespeople make the claim that the disproportionate number of blacks in prison is a result of racism. They ignore the fact that black criminal activity is many multiples of that of other racial groups. They argue that differential imprisonment of blacks is a result of the racist war on drugs. Mac Donald says that state prisons contain 88 percent of the nation’s prison population. Just 4 percent of state prisoners are incarcerated for drug possession. She argues that if drug offenders were removed from the nation’s prisons, the black incarceration rate would go down from about 37.6 percent to 37.4 percent. The vast majority of blacks in prison are there because of violent crime — and mostly against black people. That brings us to the most tragic aspect of black crime. The primary victims are law-abiding black people who must conduct their lives in fear. Some parents serve their children meals on the floor and sometimes put them to sleep in bathtubs so as to avoid stray bullets. The average American does not live this way and would not tolerate it. And that includes the white liberals who support and make excuses for criminals. Plain decency mandates that we come to the aid of millions of law-abiding people under siege. For their part, black people should stop being pawns for white liberals and support the police who are trying to protect them.
The Manchurian Candidate
grinreaper replied to Trump_is_Mentally_fit's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
$10+$5x40x4.3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333x12 -
Now that you've got race relations going in the right direction maybe you could do something for the Middle East.
What does this have to do with the stinkin Jews?
That may or may not be true, but how many illegal aliens were allowed into this country? What are the net results?
Trump kept Pence in dark about Flynn's Russia Calls
grinreaper replied to Meathead's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Not similar in any way at this point in time. Feel free to be a douche though. Wouldn't want you to have to step out of character. -
Trump kept Pence in dark about Flynn's Russia Calls
grinreaper replied to Meathead's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Obama doesn't know he isn't in office anymore. -
Trump kept Pence in dark about Flynn's Russia Calls
grinreaper replied to Meathead's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
What's the link to? Are you drunk? -
What is better, no guns, or more guns?
grinreaper replied to Security's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
I know. I was just busting LA's balls. -
Pipeline Protesters Looking Out For The Environment
grinreaper replied to grinreaper's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
http://goodsensepolitics.blogspot.com/2009/09/compare-garbage-after-tea-party-vs.html -
Pipeline Protesters Looking Out For The Environment
grinreaper replied to grinreaper's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2046586/Occupy-Wall-Street-Shocking-photos-protester-defecating-POLICE-CAR.html These are the shocking scenes that have led some people to accuse the Occupy Wall Street protesters living rough in New York's financial district of creating unsanitary and filthy conditions. Exclusive pictures obtained by Mail Online show one demonstrator relieving himself on a police car. Elsewhere we found piles of stinking refuse clogging Zuccotti Park, despite the best efforts of many of the protesters to keep the area clean. The shocking images demonstrate the extent to which conditions have deteriorated as demonstrations in downtown Manhattan enter their fourth week. Further pictures seen by Mail Online have been censored, as we deemed them too graphic to show. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2046586/Occupy-Wall-Street-Shocking-photos-protester-defecating-POLICE-CAR.html#ixzz4YgzwddMs Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook -
Take a look at this and tell us how enlightened predominately Muslim nations want to be: http://www.pewforum.org/2013/04/30/the-worlds-muslims-religion-politics-society-beliefs-about-sharia/ Sharia as Divine Revelation gsi2-chp1-1 In 17 of the 23 countries where the question was asked, at least half of Muslims say sharia is the revealed word of God. (For more information on sharia see text box.) In no country are Muslims significantly more likely to say sharia was developed by men than to say it is the revealed word of God. Acceptance of sharia as the revealed word of God is high across South Asia and most of the Middle East and North Africa. For example, roughly eight-in-ten Muslims (81%) in Pakistan and Jordan say sharia is the revealed word of God, as do clear majorities in most other countries surveyed in these two regions. Only in Lebanon is opinion more closely divided: 49% of Muslims say sharia is the divine word of God, while 38% say men have developed sharia from God’s word.
http://freebeacon.com/issues/sanitation-crews-search-dead-bodies-amid-piles-pipeline-protester-trash/ Authorities in North Dakota are working to prevent an environmental catastrophe caused by the massive amounts of trash left behind by anti-oil pipeline protesters, local media report. State and tribal sanitation crews are rushing to remove piles of waste and debris left over from the protests against the Dakota Access Pipeline before weather warms and the mountains of trash turn toxic. According to cleaning crews, they're worried they might even find dead bodies among the piles of refuse that now pollute areas where anti-pipeline protesters camped out for months. "It's estimated it will take 250 trucks filled with litter to clear the camp," according to a local NBC affiliate. Once the spring thaw comes, the area could be at risk of major environmental damage. "In a month, all this trash could become toxic." "We are looking for, as I said, anything illegal, anything that might be used to, I guess, harm our officers during a protest," says Jay Gruebele, Morton County Sheriff's Office Captain. Authorities are also searching through the piles for evidence they hope they don't find. "As bad as it sounds, we're looking for people that may have died and could be wrapped up in a canvas or a tarp or tent," says Gruebele.
Trump Planning On Turning Internet Into Toll Road
grinreaper replied to Dr.Sack's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Just a kid. https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.Mc24b2b0581c3e0bc13ee4922050286c2H0&w=72&h=105&c=8&rs=1&qlt=90&pid=3.1&rm=2 -
What is better, no guns, or more guns?
grinreaper replied to Security's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Link? -
You preach race issues in nearly every single post while simultaneously talking down to other posters. Get over yourself.
I guess it's just a different way to bring home the bacon, eh?
Where's The Money Coming From?
grinreaper replied to Keukasmallies's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
http://matzav.com/how-obama-is-scheming-to-sabotage-trumps-presidency/ Obama setting up a shadow government? -
Global warming err Climate change HOAX
grinreaper replied to Very wide right's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=GtN3bNer&id=D08551D667F52190901F902F9BE9B9E121769C29&q=nasa+aerial+images+of+changes+oroville&simid=608030348130388550&selectedIndex=15&ajaxhist=0 http://www.sacbee.com/news/local/article132154774.html The first link is what I've seen in my news feed often in the last year. It was slanted to show global warming. I wonder if the second link disproves that? -
[OFFICIAL THREAD] Trump Apologies Only
grinreaper replied to ExiledInIllinois's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Trump's leadership team
grinreaper replied to Benjamin Franklin's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
She speaks with forked tongue. -
Going to the Beach is a Right
grinreaper replied to Chef Jim's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Did you get gator's permission to post this?