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Everything posted by grinreaper

  1. Don't be a Tiberius. I knew you were responding to me, but others may not know that. Properly quoting just makes it a little easier for everyone to follow along. It also tends to prevent misunderstandings. When someone comes up with some proof then I'll sit up and take notice. Your charts are a flimsy attempt to make forced connections and I'll not take my time to refute each and every one of them because it's just speculation.
  2. Two things. Read post #166 of this thread. That's the answer why he won't release his tax returns. The other is he can't be impeached for something he did before he was in office. Hanged maybe, but not impeached. Learn to use the quote function. He was probably just trying to sell uranium to them.
  3. Under U.S law it is probably illegal to sell guns knowing that they will end up in Mexican drug dealers hands too. I think it is also illegal for the IRS to target groups for political reasons. Or maybe hack into a journalist's computer? Pay to play? Lying to the American public for weeks about Benghazi? The AG meeting in secret with the husband of a person under investigation? Subverting the Constitution by failing to live up to your oath of office? Only one man lied about meeting with the Russians. He got fired by Trump, not for meeting with the Russians but for lying to the V.P.
  4. Trump would be a fool to release his tax returns. That would give the left 4-8 years to keep misunderstanding them and creating false narratives. It wasn't that long ago that the left was all up in arms that his no travel list had 7 countries on it that their exclusion somehow benefited Trump financially. They were screaming and hollering until it was made clear that those countries were designated by Obama. In this instance more and more smoke amounts to less and less fire. To include Sessions in your vast conspiracy is ludicrous. He met the Russian Ambassador at a reception and exchanged pleasantries. He also met with him in his capacity as a Senator. "It is my belief"? Sounds like you are just hoping a little too much that there are ethical problems within this administration. Like others have said, don't try to bs us and................................ welcome to the board.
  5. What are you attempting to say? Please elaborate.
  6. I know that you are not one of the recent refugees but you haven't posted here until recently (as far as I know). My impression of you is that you are a good poster and I am glad that you are here at PPP. I've posted here for many years (don't let my post count fool you, I have 14 or 15000 posts under the 3rdnlng name) and wondered why newbees jumped right in with both feet and more than likely made assumptions about other posters that were off base. LA pointed out above that Rob was being sarcastic. Anyone who has been around PPP for awhile would instantly know that. I guess we have had a couple refugees banned already. This message isn't necessarily meant for you but for those refugees. I'm not saying that they should just lurk, but a lot of sarcasm gets thrown around here, and they should at least tread a little lightly until they get to know the lay of the land.
  7. What the hell is wrong with you? You don't capitalize and refuse to quote the person you are responding to. You don't post something, you make proclamations instead. You don't discuss, but preach. You defend Ozy when everyone here is telling you he was a true racist but are too lazy or smug to look up his posts to determine for yourself. Tell you what, why don't you start posting your pictures of lynchings in order to teach us and see where it goes.
  8. I thought it originated for the sole purpose of making the Arab world feel better about their past. You know, when they were enlightened. That time before we became infidels.
  9. I came out of the womb as a conservative. I flirted with libertarianism but pragmatism ended up winning out.
  10. Well, I'll try again. Oh Norman.......
  11. I feel bad talking behind his back. Let's see if this thumbnail will bring him around sorta like calling up pasta joe by mentioning Hillary.
  12. Have you heard about the quote function here?
  13. Well, Tracy could be a man or a woman and there are some straight people in Key West. The important thing to take notice of here is the fact that his mother is Canadian and her brothers are bald. (baldness is inherited from the mother's side) If I remember correctly he had a favorite uncle who died tragically. I wonder if he was bald?
  14. Horseshit. They are twins, but not identical. Crayonz grew up in Idaho with his father who was in a militia. 4mer grew up in Lethbridge, Alberta with his mother but now resides in Key West with his really good buddy Tracy. The reason he is a former performer is that he doesn't do those things anymore.
  15. As a conservative I don't want to settle for Obamacare lite. The republicans should not take ownership of any plan that isn't market based and a vast improvement over Obamacare. If it is going to take 3 phases to do it they had better be damn sure that they can actually get it done. If this can't be accomplished let the totally partisan ACA die on its own and force the dems to own that failure along with their failure to work with the republicans to get something that works. Under no circumstances should the dems be let off the hook. They need to pay a political price if they don't work with the republicans to get a good deal.
  16. Libtards are the minority here. Until you refugees from elsewhere arrived we only had a half dozen or so that posted on a regular basis.
  17. “I’ll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” ~ Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One I had never heard the above quote from Ronald Kessler’s book, Inside the White House before but my father had told me about LBJ’s terrible mouth and frightful personality. If you listen to Democrats (many of you do — at least those who watch MSNBC and read the NY Times rabidly), you hear fanciful yarns spun so sweetly about how LBJ ended racism, segregation and voting inequality in America. They make him sound like Mr. Rogers. How long will the Democrats continue their absurd charade? All the while claiming Republicans are racist, meanwhile the Democrats are the party clearly responsible for the contemptible Jim Crow laws. Let’s see how proud these secret, racist beliefs make current day Democrats. Let’s see how they like the real truth being told about their party. When I was nine, a friend of my father’s worked in the LBJ White House and was unhappily close with LBJ. He was writing a book about his experiences with this foul-mouthed, racist president and somehow I got my hands on it. I was fascinated. I had never encountered such words or their rampant use — even when no vulgarity was necessary, an inside view of a president that 99.9% of the country never saw. LBJ was an awful man. He only promoted and signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the 1965 Voting Rights Act because he thought it was politically expedient. He disagreed violently and kept it a secret, something I think is unreservedly detestable. Or is it a common politician’s disease? Let’s look at another quote attributed to “Great Society & Civil Rights Hero” LBJ: “These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. For if we don’t move at all, then their allies will line up against us and there’ll be no way of stopping them, we’ll lose the filibuster and there’ll be no way of putting a brake on all sorts of wild legislation. It’ll be Reconstruction all over again.” Read more at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/the-relentless-conservative/the-democratic-partys-two_b_933995.html
  18. Again, feel free to post in your native language and we'll run it through an online translator.
  19. I am pretty certain that the vast majority of Muslims are peaceful. So, if there are 2.5 billion who worship under the Muslim faith I wonder what that vast majority is? 90%? 95%? 99%? 99.9%? I'll do the math for you middle schoolers getting ready to go on spring break. This is how many would be violent and wish us harm at the respective percentages: 250,000,000, 125,000,000, 25,000,000 and 2,500,000. I'd say any one of those figures is frightening.
  20. Ah, The Great Society or otherwise How "I'll get those n*****s to vote democrat for the next 200 years".
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