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Everything posted by grinreaper

  1. This is the time for Trump to really use the bully pulpit loud and often to shame the dems to come to the game to work out a deal. He has to make the general public see that he wants to make a deal with the dems. Let them be the ones to blame if things fall apart and the ACA is left completely to die. Scaring the schit out of the dems is the only way to get them to the table. To get the far right to agree to a deal will make the deal unacceptable to all dems and some repubs.
  2. Are you sure you got the right Andrew?
  3. It was in response to Beef Jerkys post #108 in this thread and my post #101 where I quoted "logic". "logic" said "Trump requires a lot more fact checking, because he lies at a much greater rate than Obama. Not opinion, statistical fact."
  4. From the Urban Dictionary: "Cuck" a weak, feckless, spineless, and decidedly pathetic specimen of manliness. It is a dirative of the term "Cuckold", which in turn comes from the now extinct Cuckoo Bird (known for laying its eggs in another bird's nest; kind of like how a cuckolded man lets another man screw his woman). Word Origin: In mid 2016 the term came to prominence when supporters of Donald Trump came to refer to Republican presidential contender Jeb Bush as a "Cuckservative" (cuck+conservative), implying that he was a weak, testicle-lacking, creampuff of man, and a poor representative of what Trump-supporters considered proper GOP presidential timber. Jeb responded by effectively proving them right. The term Cuck has since taken a life if its own as an insult towards anyone who comes across as femmy, weak, or lacking in enough testosterone to get their balls to drop.
  5. What do expect from a drunkard?
  6. Are you really that short?
  7. We get that you are an atheist and obviously that is your prerogative. You are right to claim that Russians may not have been allowed to openly worship during Stalin's reign but that doesn't mean that they were atheists and killers. I would much prefer to be in a foxhole with you as an atheist as I would a random jihadist. I just wouldn't wear a wool coat if I was with you. Come to think of it I'd avoid the camel hair jacket if I was with one of them.
  8. C'mon man, that's just their version of midget bowling.
  9. I hope we have a watch on that evil Father O'Donovan and his minions and stop them before they send out The Little Sisters of Mercy with their suicide vests.
  10. I have a hard time believing this. There are no day cares or kiddie tables in Heaven.
  11. I didn't see Seth Rich's name on that timeline.
  12. Try Post#96 of this thread: Posted 11 March 2017 - 09:01 PM B-Man, on 11 Mar 2017 - 8:40 PM, said: http://www.politifac...s/donald-trump/ According to Pulitzer Prize winning Politifact, which fact checks statements made by presidents...Donald Trump lies 50% of the time ("False" and "Pants on fire" statementst). If you throw in "mostly false" statements, Trump jumps to a whopping 70%. 70% of his statements are lies !!! For comparison's sake, Barack Obama lies 14% of the time, or 26% if you throw in "mostly false" statements. There's a stark difference there. So Tapper sounds just exactly correct: Trump requires a lot more fact checking, because he lies at a much greater rate than Obama. Not opinion, statistical fact.
  13. So, refugees by their very definition are people who have been taken in by another country. I would think they would be the ones most likely to want to wear the red, white and blue for the very reason that their circumstances have been vastly improved, or their premature death avoided. If they are so offended by the colors of the flag of the country that took them in then maybe they need some additional vetting.
  14. No, Pasta Joe drives a '76 Cadillac El Dorado.
  15. But Obama lies less so he doesn't need to be fact checked as often.
  16. You know that garden shed you put together in your back yard? You didn't build that. I'm still waiting for the 57 states to make up for him giving Hawaii to Asia. Then again maybe that was in compensation for our troops flipping over Guam. Democrats---------------------they say the funniest things.
  17. I watched that daily briefing and that was said at the beginning and was done in a joking manner. Obama had 8 years of schitty economic progress but I guess that was just a lead-up to February's numbers? A lot of good numbers come from the hope that people have with Trump's stated policies. Just like the Wall Street numbers.
  18. So, you want to get rid of atheism too? Well, if we are going to do this right you're going to have to sacrifice the global warming/climate change religion too.
  19. Many, if not most of our laws are based on religion. Shall we replace "thou shall not kill" with "thou shall not worship"?
  20. No, I've independently figured out that you are full of horseshit and have proven that even a blind squirrel can find a nut with your choice of screen name.
  21. That's what they said in Germany, England, France, Sweden and Belgium too.
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