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Everything posted by grinreaper

  1. The "Fair Tax" is the way to go. National sales tax but not a value added tax. Exempt the low income people by rebating tax up to a finite level.
  2. You are not wasting your time with him. Just think of it as a service to the board here at PPP. He will without a doubt go run and hide until this thread dies down.
  3. Why are people upset with Trump doing what he said he would? He got voted into office based on such things as reducing regulations and building the wall. It is the people's wish.
  4. http://environmentblog.ncpa.org/has-the-epa-hurt-the-economy/#sthash.oBKR8GCT.dpbs And these are just a handful of recent EPA rules. To most readers, that might sound like the agency is not exactly helping the economy — in fact, that the agency is doing quite the opposite. But never mind all of that. Because, according to the agency, the fact that the United States has grown since the EPA’s inception must be evidence that the EPA has done nothing but promulgate commonsense regulations; certainly, it cannot be the case that the economy has grown in spite of them. If you read any of the EPA’s regulatory impact analyses, you’ll see that their regulatory benefits are often those of job creation by regulation (i.e. their rules impose costs on one industry by requiring that industry to spend money, thereby spurring growth in another industry) — hardly a solid growth principle. If government-mandated expenses and restrictions created jobs and economic growth, we’d have regulated ourselves into prosperity quite effortlessly over the last six years. McCarthy’s logic makes just as much sense as saying that you’ve eaten Oreos for lunch every day for the last week while maintaining a healthy weight — therefore, Oreos have clearly had no negative impact on your health. The fact that growth has occurred in the face of overreaching regulations is hardly evidence that those regulations haven’t hurt the economy. According to a study published in the Journal of Economic Growth last year, federal regulation from 1949 to 2005 has cost the American economy an average of 2 percentage points of growth. Altogether, by year-end 2011, regulations since 1949 had reduced American GDP by $38.8 trillion. - See more at: http://environmentblog.ncpa.org/has-the-epa-hurt-the-economy/#sthash.oBKR8GCT.dpuf
  5. I didn't try, I did. I sometime point out your ignorance because it is based on laziness, carelessness, and sloppiness. Not only are your thoughts generally wrong, you rarely present them in a coherent manner. You are a legitimate dumb ass.
  6. They had price supports back then?
  7. No, they are not killing your lungs. You are.
  8. I just want to say that I adore my whiteness.
  9. I sorta like to live in the present and stonings and honor killings are virtually non-existent in the western/Christian world. If I remember correctly, you have no objection to buggery and the licensing of it. In fact you were a vocal supporter of it. You can make light of it all you want but a culture that condones the raping of young boys is sick and shameful.
  10. Was that on the same page as Republicans Are Throwing Grandma Off The Cliff?
  11. You bring up an important point. Those great contributions to progress came not only before Christianity but before Islam. Christianity basically migrated to the western world and the western world continued to progress. What did the Islamic world do? Now before anyone wants to accuse me of painting with a broad brush or (shudder) of being a racist let's look at how the women are treated in a large part of the Islamic world. How about the widespread preference for sharia law? The stonings? The honor killings? The female mutilation? The buggery of young boys? Now I know that not all Muslims approve of this but a substantial number either condone or look the other way when it comes to these abominations. Why would any sane person want to import people who believe this way into our country?
  12. From your link: What is Barry up to? David Solway this week answered that question here at PJ Media: He has thrown himself fully into Alinsky-style “community organizing,” stirring up resistance to the Trump administration in every way conceivable: installing, according to the New York Post, a “shadow government,” dubbed Organizing for Action, comprising more than 30,000 agitators and 250 chapters across the U.S., in order “to sabotage the incoming administration”; renting a dwelling and setting up command headquarters around the corner from the White House; cooking up the Russian hacking fable; and most recently, allegedly wiretapping Trump Tower, which seems disturbingly probable following the salient remarks of Ret. Army Intelligence Officer Tony Shaffer on Fox and the revelations from Breitbart News. Mark Levin’s accusation that Obama is orchestrating a “silent coup” against Trump rings true. There have even been reports in recent days that people across the country are receiving robocalls from Obama and Hillary Clinton raising money to "Resist Trump." Actor Scott Baio was among the first to report large numbers of Twitter users claiming to have received the robotic phone calls, which were reportedly seeking to raise money for Democrats hoping to block President Trump’s new executive order on immigration, also referred to as the travel ban, and to hamper Republican efforts to repeal and replace Obamacare.
  13. Don't ask a liberal for sex if you don't intend to go through with it. There's nothing worse than a wailing, disappointed, spurned liberal.
  14. Well, with the exception of Aaron Hernandez certainly sowing some wild oats I don't think those kitties over in New England do the sowing. They are more likely the sowee.
  15. Looks like he was ready to get out the Kleenex.
  16. He said you like your plan, so like it dammit.
  17. I think he's more like Saul Berenson.
  18. No, no you're not. What you are doing is exposing yourself as a left wing bigot of Archie Bunker proportions.
  19. Congratulations. You have been accepted into the Tiberius Club without exception. Muslim-looking man. What a dumbshit.
  20. Please explain what a "Muslim-looking guy" looks like.
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