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Everything posted by grinreaper

  1. The only crack I binge on is...........oh, nevermind.
  2. I take this endeavor in a light hearted manner fully aware that I might have to pay a price when it comes my turn to do battle. Unless I decide to go ice fishing instead.
  3. "Foisted on his own petard."
  4. The only thing missing from TYTT's 1st quarter post was emoticons and a few "I's" "Me's" and "Myself's".
  5. He's still here, but he couldn't retrieve his sign in from his old company's email system.
  6. Light(en) up. I suggest you two debate the pros and cons of Sativa and Indica.
  7. This is about how much I trust CNN: http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2017/03/16/very-fake-news-juan-williams-slams-cnn-report-hannity-pulled-gun-on-him-after-argument/ The fake news establishment media at CNN is at it again. Now they are attacking Fox News host Sean Hannity, smearing his reputation with a phony story about him allegedly pointing a gun at liberal Fox News contributor Juan Williams. Dylan Byers, one of the media writers at CNN who works for media industry defender Brian Stelter, printed a story on Thursday alleging: “Last year, after ending one of his many spirited on-air arguments with liberal contributor Juan Williams, Hannity pulled out a gun and pointed it directly at Williams.” Byers cited “three sources with knowledge of the incident” to make the claim.
  8. Ah, the great 3rdnlng. Whatever happened to him?
  9. You act as if the economy of the last 8 years wasn't Bush's fault.
  10. Tell us again about the Federal Reserve.
  11. Both of you guys: Is it ok to kill babies? Is an embryo a baby? When does life begin?
  12. You are exactly the kind of refugee I had hoped to not end up here. You remind me of lyrbob.
  13. Quote Reporter: You were talking about the steel worker in Ohio and the coal miner in Pennsylvania and so on. But those workers may have an elderly mother who depends on the Meals on Wheels program, who may have kids in Head Start. And yesterday or the day before you described this as a hard power budget but is it also a hard-headed budget? Mulvaney: I don't think so. I think it's probably one of the most compassionate things we can do to— Reporter: Cutting programs that help the elderly? Mulvaney: You're only focusing on half of the equation, right? You're focusing on recipients of the money. We're focusing on recipients of the money and people who give us the money in the first place. I think it's fairly compassionate to go to them and say, look, we're not going to ask you for your hard-earned money anymore. Single mom of two in Detroit, OK, “Give us your money!” We're not going to do that anymore unless we can—please let me finish. Unless we can guarantee that money will be used in a proper function. That is about as compassionate as you can get. Hey Gator: You certainly picked a bright reporter to quote, unless the elderly mother he is referring to is yours.
  14. Hannity has more right to question Judge Derrick Watson's impartiality than Harry Reid had to question Mitt Romney's taxes. Harry Reid was an elected official who set out to lie for the benefit of his party. Hannity is a political commentator/entertainer who commented on something that could be true, could be false.
  15. I see you got your period.
  16. You are the poster child for the practice of extreme vetting.
  17. C'mon guys, Meathead is here to teach us about racial issues and to make us more like him. We need to listen to his admonishments and learn from a white guy who used to make a six-figure income what it is like to experience carnal knowledge of both a black woman and a Jew.
  18. I guess you aren't capable of understanding the difference between finishing out the school year and "declining to live with her husband". Too bad. For you. What is the name of said airport?
  19. She's not declining to live with her husband, but staying in NY to finish out her son's school year.
  20. You're right, but probably don't know why. Obama did so poorly in his 8 years that it's not going to take much to look a lot better. Trump will be revered as a great president if he just does a good job.
  21. I was just trying to figure out why you don't use them, you little pissant.
  22. Did you get your period yet?
  23. If you stick around long enough, you'll find that every point he tries to make is wrong.
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