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Everything posted by grinreaper

  1. He's guilty of undressing them with his eyes.
  2. After what Mrs. Robinson did to Dustin Hoffman, can you blame him?
  3. Knock it off. There is no football talk here. You want this thread to get bumped to TSW?
  4. According to this guy (FadingPain) it was no big deal: Posted Today, 12:42 AM Yeah, he had an air pellet pistol and a paintball pistol, apparently. He did look like your good old fashioned "NUTJOB" and not some terrorist type to be worried about. Look at the truck he used! Some sort of little Home Depot flatbed/pickup truck which is not nearly big/heavy enough for what he was trying to do. Guy's not only insane, he's stupid. The interesting thing is that this type of thing always ends with a dead nut job, but this guy is in custody and doing well. I don't think they will get much intel out of him though. Some sort of immigrant from Uzbekistan I believe..
  5. "W" liked to golf. Shortly after the war in Iraq started up he gave up on the game stating that he didn't feel right golfing while troops were in the field, risking their lives.
  6. He did yell allahu akbar so obviously he wasn't any kind of a terrorist and nobody to be worried about. Somehow that little truck grew big enough to kill or injure 20 people.
  7. That's not what I said. So, you are calling 26 a drive-by poster?
  8. Do you know what political party Mueller's team of lawyers consists of? What does 26 have to do with this?
  9. I can have an opinion though and his postings and yours and a few others here are just devoid of any sense or substance. They are just drive-by senseless mutterings. These indictments have nothing to do with Russian collusion but are solely inspired by the left's desire to dig up any dirt possible. There is plenty on HRC. She's been protected by the establishment but I think that is about to change.
  10. For the most part we like to have people here capable of making a contribution. We let gator/Tiberius slide because everyone needs a punching bag. There's no opening here for another idiot. So take your pretentious ass and go post in Snowflake News.
  11. I'm sure as a liberal, you have a solution for what you perceive is a problem. Why don't you tell us how things should be here so you can go back under the rock you came from.
  12. Yes, terrorist attacks. Remember, the Obama Administration lied about Benghazi. For about three weeks Obama’s minions insisted it wasn’t a planned attack. No response from gator? Obviously he thinks it's too funny for words.
  13. FWIW, Boyst has come up with a nice compromise that satisfies his" hunger", but one that he doesn't have to have a conversation with. He only dates sheeple.
  14. Is that because NY has some of the highest taxes or that residents will refuse to pay them?
  15. Gag and Clinton in the same sentence is redundant.
  16. The Canadian Navy's flagship: https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.dgNnlRiG_jImdXL-URXe2QEsDM&w=154&h=105&c=8&rs=1&qlt=90&pid=3.1&rm=2
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