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Everything posted by grinreaper

  1. https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2009/09/03/18620563.php Rock a bye baby, don't you get sick Your mom and daddy will go broke real quick Grandpa and Grandma wish it weren't true But big rich insurers don't care about you Rock a bye tax cuts helping the rich You're out of luck if your kid should get sick Health care insurers rack in the cash but if you are poor they will treat you like trash Rock a bye profits that's what they love But sick kids and grandparents merit a shove Everyone else is in danger it's true Cuz big rich insurers don't care about you
  2. No, but I was the first person to say it.
  3. Of course not. Who would translate?
  4. I think they were able to with a rib.
  5. Bad translation. I'll bet he meant "countries" instead of "planets".
  6. Be careful what you look for. Can you actually believe that a male might have had a part in this? Damn, I thought I was done with putting up with pms. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/3213842/robot-has-her-first-period-in-scientific-feat-which-will-bring-machines-even-closer-to-humanity/ A ROBOT has had its first period in an incredible scientific feat which brings us a step closer to creating robots in our own image. Scientists at Northwestern University used human cells to recreate a female reproductive system in a box. They even put it in a box!
  7. So, what's your main point? pa·ren·the·sis [pəˈrenTHəsəs] NOUN parentheses (plural noun) a word, clause, or sentence inserted as an explanation or afterthought into a passage that is grammatically complete without it, in writing usually marked off by curved brackets, dashes, or commas. (parentheses) a pair of round brackets ( ) used to mark off a parenthetical word or phrase.
  8. New York Magazine, citing three “people who were present,” reported that all three heard the comment. A spokesman for Bush declined to comment to the magazine.
  9. Spoken like a true liberal. Assuming you are male, or at least trying to become one, I won't put my hand anywhere near your pocket no matter how much you beg.
  10. You're just a clown. A very young and stupid clown, but still a clown. You may not have rushed to a judgement but it is very clear that you have at least rushed to an assumption. A little advice, little one: be careful about calling for someone to be banned, you crusader you.
  11. Azalin and I made basically the same points. He just hasn't got as frustrated with your little boy attitude as I have. You Bernie supporters sure can give yourself a wedgie. You remind me of all those Trayvon Martin supporters who jumped the gun and had the real victim convicted without knowing anything about the case. Now you have Trump convicted of something because Sessions was introduced to the Russian ambassador at a cocktail party. You need to grow up and quit reading The Huffington Post Comic edition.
  12. You complained that I didn't answer your "bullet points" but when I did you admonished me and threw Brietbart into the equation. You've got a lot to learn boy.
  13. This kind of schit is the very reason I seldom argue with gatorman (Tiberius). Talking points don't make it here. You're wasting my time.
  14. Horseshit. He didn't ask Russia to do anything. It was a facetious remark having to do with Clinton's lack of forthrightness in releasing emails.
  15. Do you recognize this? "I'm not saying there's collusion, we don't know yet. I think Putin offered millions or billions of dollars to lift the sanctions, and might have something to blackmail Trump's team with. Pee pee tape maybe? Trump loves everything golden, maybe he likes his showers golden too." It's from your post #486 of this thread. Nice facts.
  16. No, you spell "opinion" f-a-c-t-s.
  17. http://abc7.com/education/race-based-school-budget-cuts-spark-outrage-in-noho/1818792/ NORTH HOLLYWOOD, LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- Outrage has grown at Walter Reed Middle School in North Hollywood, as the school faces layoffs and increased class sizes due to a law limiting funds for schools with a higher white student body. The Los Angeles Unified School District provides more funding for schools where the white population is below 30 percent. In a letter to parents, the district noted the highly regarded middle school had been above the percentage for the past couple years.
  18. This is called a Tiberius (gator) around here. If you're gonna kid, make damn sure everyone knows. Otherwise it's just running schit up the flagpole to see if it sticks before really committing to a position.
  19. Meathead tried to hack the vote.
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