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Everything posted by grinreaper

  1. This article explains what the deal was and it's no big deal: http://www.cnbc.com/2017/04/05/steve-bannon-reportedly-removed-from-national-security-council-in-reorganization.html In late January, Bannon was given a full seat in a move that downgraded the roles of the chairman of the Joint Chiefs and the director of national intelligence. It is a highly unusual to give a political advisor a seat on the committee. President Donald Trump sparked concerns with the move to make Bannon, the former Breitbart News chairman and driving force behind Trump's nationalism and populism, a permanent member. Bannon originally served on the committee as a check against Michael Flynn before Flynn was ousted as National Security Advisor, a top White House official told NBC News. However, Bannon only attended one meeting and felt he was no longer needed in that role after the selection of H.R. McMaster as national security advisor. McMaster, who Bannon wanted in the role, was given authority to reorganize the committee when he joined the White House, according to NBC. The change also downgrades the role of Homeland Security advisor Thomas Bossert. A senior White House official told NBC this was not a power struggle. The official said the White House was bringing back more of a George W. Bush-era-type NSC. The council will be more streamlined and the decision making more deliberative, the official said.
  2. Boyst has no need for more than one goat. Any more and he might have a jealousy problem.
  3. Doesn't sound like the first time.
  4. Uranus Democrat & Chronicle?
  5. We were being civil and you thought to be cute with your snide remark. Many of us have settled in on what TYTT proposed to you and I felt no need to reiterate it. You really are wet behind your ears.
  6. You really are a prick. Healthcare has been debated on here for years and years. The conversation didn't start with your arrival and subsequent crusade here. You can take your smartass remarks and stick them up your ass.
  7. Read what TYTT said in post#118 in one of the other healthcare threads. I like that.
  8. Have you considered that single payer might put some hospitals out of business?
  9. As Tom has said you can't significantly lower prices and still give quality healthcare in a timely manner. If you want that stent in now and at a low cost then I'll be right there. If you want it done by someone who knows what he is doing and you still want it on the cheap then I think my cardiologist has an opening on March 20, 2025. Morning or afternoon?
  10. I'm not sure how pertinent this is to the discussion. Did they prevent the bomb going off due to secret surveillance?
  11. I got turned on to it during the Trayvon Martin trial and found it to be very informative.
  12. Thank God the Obama administration was able to save us from a terror attack by James Rosen (and his parents), the Senate Intelligence Committee and that dangerous Angela Merkel.
  13. I doubt that. This particular joke goes back years and had something to do with a specific poster here.
  14. Those “incidental” recordings are looking less incidental all the time. Also from your link: Rice herself has not spoken directly on the issue of unmasking. Last month when she was asked on the "PBS NewsHour" about reports that Trump transition officials, including Trump himself, were swept up in incidental intelligence collection, Rice said: "I know nothing about this," adding, "I was surprised to see reports from Chairman Nunes on that account today." Once a liar, always a liar.
  15. Two different healthcare threads weren't enough? Or was this thread on socialism bound to come down to healthcare because gatorbait is championing socialized medicine?
  16. I get it. You are not a socialist, but only want us to move toward socialism.
  17. Hopefully if you didn't get your period there was love involved.
  18. This is why you probably should just lurk for awhile when joining a board. It's been an ongoing joke between us for awhile now.
  19. What's punctuation have to do with it?
  20. This is getting old. Didn't you get your period again?
  21. You've been arguing FOR Socialism, placing socialist countries basically on a pedestal. What's a fellow to think?
  22. Guess who said this: "People act like we automatically have to become tyrannical communistic animals if we start moving towards a more socialist agenda. It's sad." Oh, and who wants single payer?
  23. Newsflash. You are not going to hear if anyone laughs or not.
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