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Everything posted by grinreaper

  1. Here's something to help you down off your high horse.
  2. This is exactly the kind of response I expected from you. You are delusional.
  3. We are capable of doing most anything but we aren't willing to do so. We, as a country are so politically polarized that we can't agree on a common path. It used to be that politics pretty much stopped at our shores but there is so much hatred for the other party that we are willing to cut off our nose to spite our face.
  4. You were working as a hostess?
  5. Saul & Dar going at it is all.
  6. Your posting style belies what you claim. When that happens the astute person becomes very cautious and skeptical of those claims.
  7. Much cheaper than a car and/or less depressing to those around you.
  8. He didn't really have a choice.
  9. http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/park-service-illegals-destroying-federal-lands-unsafe-for-camping/article/2619949 Illegal immigration and drug running have destroyed border parklands, further threatened two species on the endangered list and led federal officials to bar visitors and campers in areas considered too dangerous to visit, according to newly released reports. In studies of two parks that make up less than 90 miles of the Arizona-Mexico border, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and National Park Service said that the areas have been ripped up with thousands of miles of unauthorized roads from vehicles that have crushed plants and animal habitat. What's more, fires started by illegals have burned hundreds of acres of forestland and mountains of drugs, trash and abandoned cars and trucks have been found. The reports, written before the huge surge of illegal immigration in the final years of the Obama administration, were released to Secrets by Immigration Reform Law Institute, and back up the Trump administration's push for a border fencing.
  10. Shouldn't play with fire, you idiot. Furthermore, what does the bolded mean? Sometimes I think your posts are just like a monkey throwing words against the wall and praying that they might make a coherent sentence. I know, your excuse will be "auto correct" or that you're typing on your phone.
  11. People in glass houses............................
  12. If you're not Saul, you must put words in his mouth.
  13. Less effective than Ruth Buzzi and her umbrella.
  14. What, you worried that gay marriage laws might be stricken?
  15. You don't remember General Betrayus? The 2000 presidential election got a lot of partisans on the left up in arms. They calmed down after 9/11 through " Mission Accomplished" but started up again during the ill prepared occupation.
  16. So sending missiles to take out infrastructure of ASSAD is going to make his opponents more pissed at us?
  17. Why, I wonder, have their countries become pigsties?
  18. What do you bring to this forum? Seriously, do you have any redeeming qualities?
  19. While some may say that they were fired from Comanche Helicopters rumor has it that they came from two giant war party canoes.
  20. Just recently we had 3 different threads dealing with healthcare. One of them was named "Venezuela Falls Into Dictatorship". It obviously was hijacked. Furthermore you decided to make this thread about truthfulness when it was started to show the criminality of Obama. Don't turn this into a pissing contest and make Tom right.
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