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Everything posted by grinreaper

  1. Well, at least they have birds for those birdhouses.
  2. What does this have to do with you needing daily guidance through life?
  3. They need guidance though. Wouldn't it be better if Tiberius had his own social worker to tell him what to do and think rather than getting his marching orders from The Huffington Post?
  4. If only Trump had taken to heart the many "peace for our time" Obama speeches.
  5. No, I'm going to flood the market with Tiberius clones so that all those people with social worker degrees can have jobs.
  6. Anything they want. Don't look at apprenticeship as only joining a plumbing, electrical or carpenters union to learn a trade. Think outside of your HuffPost tunnel. There are many jobs out there that allow a person to advance on merit and can pay handsomely. Don't try your usual horseshit and say something like I'm against education. I'm just saying that one shouldn't take out loans that they'll either default on or spend the rest of their lives repaying because their degree is useless.
  7. Maybe you should reread what I wrote. That or get a translator.
  8. Why do you think Christopher Stevens was even in Benghazi and the Obama administration tried to hide everything about it?
  9. College has gotten more and more expensive since student loans have been so freely given out. As it is now, it's too easy for an 18 year old to go to college and kids who have no reason or no real ability to utilize an education end up with real debt and no way to repay it. They would be far better off serving an apprenticeship and learning a trade. With free tuition, even more delusional kids will attend college and still find a way to put themselves into debt for their living expenses. NYS taxpayers will be footing the bill for this foolishness.
  10. Boning Meathead: But you were always on my mind You were always on my mind Signed, Jeff
  11. Anal: But you were always on my mind You were always on my mind Jeff
  12. Ground forces hadn't been able to dislodge them from their tunnel/cave complex previously and we lost a green beret there. Body count is up to 94 and I would suspect that anyone near or in the complex was a bad guy.
  13. Boning up for your next debate with Meathead?
  14. Sure, if you want a product past its expiration date.
  15. Can you tell me what language this is so that I can get it translated?
  16. Here's a couple of his recent posts: lmao. thanks for reinforcing my point, tom change. you can do it. even at your age. if you want to and stop being threatened by me. being king of this hill here is a pathetic position to want to hold onto. i dont want your spot, i just want you to stop training these sheep to be dicks Edited by Meathead, Yesterday, 11:18 PM. yeah right. its as plain as the bulbous foam nose on your face. and my wager is always on the table any time youre ready to give a thousand bucks to charity just to demonstrate how flimsy your objection here is, lets talk about how many documents ive written. i ran a four million dollar consulting division and to keep my sr mgrs billing as much as possible i did all of the proposals. do you have any idea how many proposals you have to do to support a four million dollar consulting business? granted, a lot of that was boiler plate, but who do you think wrote the boiler plate? who do you think customized the boiler plate for each proposal? and thats just proposals, it doesnt take into account all the other documents i had to crank out all the freaking time do we really have to sit here and quibble over an exact number? it was a freaking ton. who here has the problem to begin with anyway? and if youre not threatened by me why do you have to question me on stupid stuff like this? if im nothing and youre the better man than you could just let me tell whatever lies i wanted to. after all that would make me pretty pathetic. why would you have to call me out at all? its bc you have an obvious self esteem problem. you see yourself as king of this hill and when someone comes in who is obviously capable your self-confidence is so low that have to try to knock them down. i can tell youve been doing this a while here since the underlings are so much like you now that there has been a pattern established. you unilaterally declare someone unworthy and they are parroting your words exactly. its not just me its how you all treat tiberius and whats that other guys name i cant remember, but you all speak in one stupid voice about it. that doesnt happen by accident, i happens bc someone like you becomes the standard bearer and influences the weaker minds to form the mob behind you singing in unison its pathetic dude go buy a book on reinventing yourself and throw yourself into it. youre not all bad but youre kind of a dick right now. you can change that if you apply yourself. it sucks that you waste your intellect training these guys to be dicks when you could be putting that mind to good productive use. and youd be a better person for it and for gods sake, stop calling me a liar if you have nothing to back it up. im not a liar and i would love the chance to take your money from you. in fact, if you dont have the money i will prove you wrong for free just to show you how fkg pathetic youre being about this and how you are negatively affecting others who look up to you. try to be a force for good instead of a force for asshollery. theres nothing stopping you but you, well the dickish you. it doesnt have to be that way Edited by Meathead, Yesterday, 11:50 PM.
  17. Oh sure, now give Meathead proof that you are a DC Tom disciple. That's all he needs to write more novels here opining that he is not only right, but all the rest of us (other than Tiberius) march lock-step with Tom because he is our leader. And, we are all mean because Tom is a prick and has taught us to be so. If you discount Meathead's and Tiberius's rantings you'll see that most here actually agree with Tom. That doesn't mean he isn't our resident prick though.
  18. I think I have a picture of the Japanese surrendering on the battleship Красный Октябрь.
  19. I for one, miss Andrea Tantaros.
  20. Don't let LA hear you say that. He's with her.
  21. Depends, but if they can't pass the smell test first I don't bother with any other tests. Are you calling that chance encounter at a rest stop dating?
  22. Who would have ever thought that you pined to give lectures?
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