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Everything posted by grinreaper

  1. Two things: The way you mangle the English language makes me believe that you would lose out to a rock in an IQ contest. The other thing is if health care is a right, what else is? Wealth? Happiness? A nice tan?
  2. http://www.gopusa.com/?p=23990?omhide=true , Seriously, why would anyone honor this wayward kid? An honorary degree in aviation? Is that because he was always flying high? It certainly couldn't be because of his prowess at bashing peoples heads in against the sidewalk. One might think that an honorary degree would be bestowed upon someone that you might want your children to emulate. What a !@#$ed up society we live in. "A university will award Trayvon Martin a posthumous Bachelor of Science Degree in aviation five years after the black teenager was fatally shot by a neighborhood watch volunteer in a central Florida neighborhood. An announcement on Florida Memorial University’s official Facebook page says Martin’s parents, Sabrina Fulton and Tracy Martin, will accept the degree during a May 13 commencement ceremony. Fulton graduated from the Miami Gardens university and, along with Tracy Martin, co-founded the Trayvon Martin Foundation. The university’s statement says it will honor the steps Martin, who was 17 when he died in 2012, "
  3. It's time for you to take on your responsibilities again. When was the last time you gave him head or took it up the bung hole? It's a trying time dealing with a newborn, but you make it worse by putting a plastic sheet on the couch before getting a facial or receiving a golden shower. You know, one of the worst things people in a relationship can do is pretend to be something or someone else. You need to get back to your roots and show him you are still his B word.
  4. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/07/22/seattle-sees-fallout-from-15-minimum-wage-as-other-cities-follow-suit.html Seattle’s $15 minimum wage law is supposed to lift workers out of poverty and move them off public assistance. But there may be a hitch in the plan. Evidence is surfacing that some workers are asking their bosses for fewer hours as their wages rise – in a bid to keep overall income down so they don’t lose public subsidies for things like food, child care and rent. Full Life Care, a home nursing nonprofit, told KIRO-TV in Seattle that several workers want to work less. “If they cut down their hours to stay on those subsidies because the $15 per hour minimum wage didn’t actually help get them out of poverty, all you’ve done is put a burden on the business and given false hope to a lot of people,” said Jason Rantz, host of the Jason Rantz show on 97.3 KIRO-FM. The twist is just one apparent side effect of the controversial -- yet trendsetting -- minimum wage law in Seattle, which is being copied in several other cities despite concerns over prices rising and businesses struggling to keep up. The notion that employees are intentionally working less to preserve their welfare has been a hot topic on talk radio. While the claims are difficult to track, state stats indeed suggest few are moving off welfare programs under the new wage. Despite a booming economy throughout western Washington, the state’s welfare caseload has dropped very little since the higher wage phase began in Seattle in April. In March 130,851 people were enrolled in the Basic Food program. In April, the caseload dropped to 130,376. At the same time, prices appear to be going up on just about everything.
  5. Unless you just had a catastrophic plan, did you have those huge deductibles before the ACA was put in place?
  6. It's been marginally successful in other countries. People in other countries often come here for serious surgeries or if they want to get the surgery done before they die.
  7. I identify as Kim jong un and you guys are pissing me off.
  8. Not to worry. The CGI should still be able to cover the bail money.
  9. The ACA was all smoke and mirrors. It provided so called insurance that for all practical purposes (except for the outliers) does nothing for people supposedly covered. Sky high deductibles and premiums costing ridiculous monthly amounts means they have insurance without actual health care. It obviously wasn't and isn't working for the insurers either. For people to criticize the GOP for trying to come up with a better plan just shows how partisan they are.
  10. What a combination, a libertarian and a snowflake. Are you a floor wax too?
  11. Lighten up, you prude. My wise ass remarks are not worthy of causing you to descend off your high horse to denigrate the likes of me. In other words, phuck off.
  12. Damn, this is really bad news. It sucks to pay out of pocket for your retroactive abortion. Just glad a whole bunch of other people are pitching in.
  13. Gorilla Glue? Uh, just joking.
  14. How did he do with Tyrod in the latter part of 2015?
  15. Understand who he is and you will see why he says some of the stuff he does. I have negotiated a lot of contracts in my life. Some are simple and some need a little set up in order to pull them off. NATO has/is a treaty that has the U.S. providing a disproportionate amount of support for the member nations. He could have just been making them a little uneasy by his statements putting them in a position to more readily agree to fulfill their obligations.
  16. I don't think Assad was laughing too hard when he lost 20% of his air force. Understand that a good part of the world respects strength and decisiveness. As far as NATO goes, other members are going to have to buck up and pay their fair share. They're probably not laughing anymore. The late night comedians have always had plenty of fodder when it comes to politicians. Just think: 57 states, Hawaii is in Asia, Guam could tip over, Corpse man...................... Judge him by what he accomplishes, not by what he says, which might be only the opening barrage for negotiating purposes by what actually happens. We are not dealing with the typical politician who might parse his words and cover his ass with horseshit looking to not offend. We're dealing with a businessman/developer/entertainer who has been able to franchise his name for a profit.
  17. http://www.breitbart.com/2nd-amendment/2016/05/03/huffpo-shooting-attackers-self-defense-denies-criminals-fair-trial/ In a recent essay, a Huffington Post writer makes the incredible argument that while the Second Amendment guarantees U.S. citizens the right to carry and stockpile arms, it does not give the right to shoot violent attackers in self-defense because to do so would deny assailants a fair trial.If the reasoning sounds convoluted, that’s because it is. Although author Justin Curmi declares that the Second Amendment is highly contested, he also states that there is “no doubt” about citizens’ rights to keep and bear arms; it’s using them that’s the problem. In fact, he believes it is illegal. “Therefore, using a firearm to defend oneself is not legal because if the attacker is killed, he or she is devoid of his or her rights,” Curmi declares. Since everyone has the right to a fair trial, Curmi argues, it must therefore be illegal to curtail an attacker’s right by using lethal violence against him to defend oneself. He seems to assume that the crafters of the Second Amendment believed that citizens should be able to keep and bear arms without intending that the weapons ever be used, which stretches the imagination to the breaking point.
  18. Set aside all the P.T. Barnum hyperbole. If Trump gets a better healthcare plan, controls the borders and gets the economy moving forward with his tax cuts he will be 100 times more successful than Obama. If he restores respect internationally and also restores fear of us in our enemies he will have hit multiple grand slams. You guys who are generally reasonable and somewhat conservative are getting your panties all in a wad over "feelings" like a Maxine Walters or an Al Franken. Look at what he does, not what he says.
  19. How about the democrats from a few years ago? http://observer.com/2010/06/hillary-clinton-remembers-friend-and-mentor-robert-byrd/ Clinton had become friends with Byrd during her time in the Senate, and had even lunched with Byrd and Clinton’s mother, who came to admire him while monitoring C-SPAN for her daughter’s floor appearances.Continue Reading this Article This morning, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton put out her own statement eulogizing Byrd as a “friend and mentor” as “a man of unsurpassing eloquence and nobility.” “It is almost impossible to imagine the United States Senate without Robert Byrd. He was not just its longest serving member, he was its heart and soul. From my first day in the Senate, I sought out his guidance, and he was always generous with his time and his wisdom,” Clinton wrote.
  20. It certainly was a sticky situation.
  21. Are you disowning the architect of your party?
  22. You Road Islanders have no sense of humor.
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