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Everything posted by grinreaper

  1. What do you think about 1031 exchanges?
  2. How many people should be on this "council"?
  3. Well, since he believes Social Security is welfare I wonder what the percentages would look like in Ft. Meyers?
  4. You are a classless little pissant. Yes, but without one shred of evidence you believe that Trump colluded with the Russians in last November's election.
  5. I don't at all feel marginalized by Philippine Mahogany but Honduras Mahogany is something else.
  6. So, do you seriously think social security is welfare?
  7. That's your retirement plan you outlined years ago. No need to go all dramatic on us. I wondered how he could tell such tall tales.
  8. Are you old enough to be a wage earner? If so, have you ever looked at a pay stub? Since my mid thirties I have been an independent contractor who filed on a Schedule "C", which means I gave the federal government over 15% of my income for them to set aside in order to pay me social security benefits when I reach retirement age. When I receive that money it won't be welfare to me in any sense of the word. It will be the return to me of money that the government in effect confiscated from me in order to send it to other countries or fund WIC. From the part that is in bold above it is apparent that you have never felt the pain of contributing much to our government and are acting on untested theories (by you) or are not much more than a party apparatchik.
  9. Posting the same video 3 times in 6 posts.
  10. That's for sure. Period.
  11. Thanks for making that so clear.
  12. You must not have gotten your period again. Maybe Joesixpack is stealing them?
  13. Posting just periods would seem to be a pretty pointless endeavor, but then again maybe it's an improvement for you.
  14. Unlike the U.S. they at least still have birds.
  15. If a pro isn't allowed to do it then should an armchair psychologist be taken seriously? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goldwater_rule The Goldwater rule is the informal name given to Section 7 in the American Psychiatric Association's (APA) Principles of Medical Ethics,[1] which states it is unethical for psychiatrists to give a professional opinion about public figures they have not examined in person, and from whom they have not obtained consent to discuss their mental health in public statements.[2] It is named after presidential candidate Barry Goldwater.[3][4] The issue arose in 1964 when Fact published the article "The Unconscious of a Conservative: A Special Issue on the Mind of Barry Goldwater."[3][5] The magazine polled psychiatrists about American Senator Barry Goldwater and whether he was fit to be president.[6][7] The editor, Ralph Ginzburg, was sued for libel in Goldwater v. Ginzburg where Goldwater won $75,000 (approximately $579,000 today) in damages.[3]
  16. Whew, I thought maybe your computer was taken over and kept posting sweet nothings in several threads here.
  17. Oh goody, we get a new poster who thinks he is informed and witty. Up your game or go away. We don't need any more dipschits here.
  18. You've posted several of these with just a period. Are you trying to tell us something?
  19. Nice debut here. You've got the gator act down to a "t".
  20. That's some pretty !@#$ed up thinking. Just like at home, don't have a ton of rules but make sure that the ones you have are absolutely adhered to. The laws that we have must be followed or there must be consequences.
  21. http://www.judicialwatch.org/blog/2017/05/medicaid-blows-109-billion-promotional-demonstrations/ In a classic example of government waste, the taxpayer-funded program (Medicaid) that provides health insurance for the poor spends over $100 billion on “demonstrations” to promote the benefit that already covers millions of people nationwide. That’s an astounding 33% of Medicaid’s total federal budget for experiments and projects that supposedly help states test and evaluate new approaches to deliver the welfare benefit, which is already spread thin. Medicaid is administered by states and is jointly funded by the federal government and states. Millions of low-income adults, children, pregnant women and people with disabilities are covered under the program, which cost American taxpayers an eye-popping $545.1 billion in 2015, according to government figures. A little-known section of the Social Security Act gives the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) authority to approve experimental, pilot or demonstration projects that promote the objectives of Medicaid and its counterpart, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), as if they really need to be further publicized. The purpose of the demonstrations, according to the Social Security Act, is to expand eligibility to individuals who are not otherwise Medicaid or CHIP eligible, provide services not typically covered by Medicaid and use innovative service delivery systems that improve care, increase efficiency and reduce costs. Ultimately, the goal is to increase and strengthen states’ overall coverage of low-income individuals, enhance access to provider networks that serve low-income populations and boost the efficiency and quality of medical care through “initiatives” that “transform service delivery networks.” This could mean anything. The only restriction is that the demonstrations must be “budget neutral,” which means that the money comes out of the federal portion Medicaid’s budget. In fiscal year 2015 Uncle Sam blew $109 billion to promote Medicaid, according to a scathing federal audit, that blasts the program for wasting 33% of its budget on such nonsense. Medicaid’s demonstration spending ballooned from $29 billion in 2005 to the $109 billion in 2015, the audit reveals. In ten states demonstration expenditures comprised 75% or more of total Medicaid expenditures, the probe reveals. Six other states spent between 50% and 75% of their Medicaid budget on demonstrations.
  22. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=your+my+hero+song&view=detail&mid=C3A0789D2D0FE6D9F84FC3A0789D2D0FE6D9F84F&FORM=VIRE
  23. If you have ever watched "Ballers" on HBO you might notice that in a softer role his expressions are very much Obama-like.
  24. This just might as well go here: https://heatst.com/culture-wars/detroit-school-to-hold-muslim-girls-only-prom/ With the goal of creating a “safe space” in mind, a Detroit school has set out to hold a girls-only prom to celebrate traditional Muslim customs. It’s being created for girls who would otherwise be prohibited by their ultraconservative Muslim families from going to regular proms, where attendees are allowed to have fun and dance with members of the opposite sex in good old American tradition. Hamtramck High School’s girls-only “Princess Prom” was first organized in 2012 by a group of five Muslim girls to give them the opportunity to go to a “safe space” prom. In 2016, 230 girls showed up. This year, they’re expecting at least 250 attendees.
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