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Everything posted by grinreaper

  1. This was on my MSN homepage today under "Trending Videos". Trending from the winter of 2016? http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/video/ted-cruz-donald-trump-planted-tabloid-story/vi-BBBojXP?ocid=HPCOMMDHP15
  2. 5,320 resultsAny time AllPast 24 hoursPast weekPast month Dear Abby: Woman worries lazy fiance will also be lazy ... Lubbock Avalanche-Journal1 day ago May 21, 2017 · Dear Abby: My fiance, “David,” and I are getting married soon. We have been living together and engaged for a year, and together eight years. It takes ... Woman worries lazy fiance will also be lazy husband Philly › philly/living/20170522_Woman_worries_lazy_fiance... May 22, 2017 · ... together eight years. It takes him forever to get things done around the house or buy things we need. ... married soon. We have been living together ... Dear Abby: Woman worries lazy fiance will also be lazy husband us.yahoo › news/m/6983344c-aab7-3495-b0fd-74a3490d5fb7/ss...10 hours ago ... done around the house or buy things we need. ... married soon. We have been living together and engaged for a year, and together eight years. It takes him forever ... News about DEAR ABBY: My Fiance, “david,” And I Are Getting Married S… bing.com/news Dear Abby: Woman worries lazy fiance will also be lazy ... San Francisco Gate · 12 hours ago ... married soon. We have been living together and engaged for a year, and together eight years. It takes him forever to get things done around the house or buy ... Woman worries lazy fiance will also be lazy husband | Dear ... The Paris Post-Intelligencer8 hours ago May 22, 2017 · ... getting married soon. We have been living together and engaged for a year, and together eight years. It takes him forever ... house or buy things we ... Dear Abby - the-review.com The-review › entertainment/2017/05/22/dear-abby23 hours ago May 22, 2017 · ... getting married soon. We have been living ... together eight years. It takes him forever to get things done around the house or buy things we need. Page A2 | e-Edition | bgdailynews.com Bgdailynews › eedition/page-a/page_c0c8dd3d-4617-51b0-9fdf... ... getting married soon. We have been living together and engaged for a year, and together eight years. It takes him forever to get things done around the house or ... Dear Abby: Woman worries lazy fiance will also be lazy husband Newsvader › id/17254144673 Dear Abby: My fiance, David, ... "David," and I are getting married soon. We have been living together and ... It takes him forever to get things done around the ... Woman worries lazy fiance will also be lazy husband W-MAN w-man.net › male/67341/woman-worries-lazy-fiance-will-also-be... ... married soon. We have been living together and engaged for a year, and together eight years. It takes him forever to get things done around the house or buy ... Dear Abby: Woman worries lazy fiance will be lazy husband The-daily-record › living/2017/05/22/dear-abby-woman...fiance...15 hours ago May 22, 2017 · ... getting married soon. We have been living ... together eight years. It takes him forever to get things done around the house or buy things we need. Pagination 1 2 3 4 5 Next
  3. Actually he's a disciple of Gator. He's following Gator's method of debating by slinking away and leaving a dumbass comment on the table.
  4. Please, please don't remove your IUD for any circumstances.
  5. Judge Judy----nothing like rolling up a fat one and watching her-------for fun!
  6. I suspect he may be referring to Judge Jeanine.
  7. There's something to be said for theories like only landowners get to vote and only people who imbibe responsibly get to imbibe. Maybe I should change my screen name to Aristocrat?
  8. Hearsay. Judge Judy? What is she on after Bill Nye?
  9. That's like asking if he would support a Timothy McVeigh statue. It's totally irrelevant.
  10. They represent part of the history of this country. Taking them down is denying that history. Maybe we should burn the history books too?
  11. Don't you know, they are always borne out over time. Rumors are always true. Did you know that 26CornerBlitz is really a 400# transitioning guy posting out of his mother's basement?
  12. Just quoting you in order to save the above post in case you decide that it was stupid to post it and delete the op.
  13. What are you calling investigative journalism? Throwing schit against the wall to see what might stick is not in any sense journalism. Just because you hope the rumors are true because they fit your narrative doesn't make them legitimate. It makes you an Innuendo Whore (all credit to Azalin).
  14. Azalin had it right. You're one of those Innuendo Whores. Any rumor that fits your narrative has to be correct, even if you have to make it up yourself.
  15. I know a guy who knows a guy who said ____________________________about Trump. It's true because of Mark Felt. Winning!
  16. Did you know that relying on the lottery for your retirement is viable because sometimes people win the lottery? That makes about as much sense as what you have been posting. Keep up this ridiculous schit and you'll be laughed right out of here.
  17. You continue to post in the same !@#$ing manner as gator, just as I explained to you. You can't even see it, can you?
  18. Anonymous reports are not legitimate sources. It appears that if something fits your narrative, in your mind it's legit. Good luck with that here.
  19. This what I've observed about your posting: You post something weak like an unsubstantiated rumor. You get challenged. You don't come back to defend your premise but respond with some stupid-like schit like "time to lawyer up". This is how gator posts. Don't be another gator.
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