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Everything posted by grinreaper

  1. This isn't worthy of its own thread so............... http://www.dailywire.com/news/17107/anti-israel-un-agency-caught-pretending-picture-hank-berrien
  2. You mean I can't get an apartment in Manhattan for $800 a month?
  3. http://nypost.com/2017/06/01/in-ditching-paris-deal-trump-does-right-by-america-and-the-world/ In fact, Trump had already abandoned the Paris goals by junking Obama’s Clean Power Plan. Yet he’s not turning back the clock. He’s just saying no to what Obama sought to impose — a rush to a low-carbon America at huge economic cost. Under Paris, as Trump noted, the United States would’ve had to close all its coal plants, even as China builds hundreds more — and coal still generates a third of US electricity. Yet America will continue to cut its carbon emissions: They’re already down by a fifth since 2000, thanks to fracking and the gradual replacement of coal plants with natural-gas ones. That’s better than Europe did as it implemented Kyoto by making electricity cost twice as much as it does here. Nor did Paris make sense. As Danish economist Bjorn Lomborg notes, it entails costs of over $1 trillion a year to shave 0.36 degrees Fahrenheit off global temperatures by 2100 — a tenth the reduction it said is necessary. The better response, Lomborg argues, is massive R&D in non-carbon power — so that humanity needn’t impoverish itself to “save the planet.” As he pursues smart post-Paris policies, Trump ought to boost outlays for “green energy” R&D. America has far cleaner air and water than it did 50 years ago, and more parkland. It should continue those trends, and keep reducing its carbon emissions — democratically. What the nation won’t do, thanks to the president, is devastate its own economy against the public’s wishes in order to satisfy the global elite. Count this as a major Trump promise kept.
  4. Because it begins with "P" just like "Paris" does.
  5. That's sorta sick. I thought a guy who would Oedipus would stay away from his mom's colonus.
  6. You're absolutely right that elections have consequences and those consequences should apply to all equally.
  7. I see. The "deserving poor" are the people who didn't vote for Trump.
  8. It depends upon whether or not you are schitting on cop cars, preventing free speech, looting or displaying a barber pole.
  9. Well for most of us, 8th grade was a long time ago.
  10. We need to send this video to all of those illegal aliens breaking into this country so that they at least bring their own birds.
  11. Some of those aliens must have been Russian so expect to see CNN (when grudgingly forced to repeat this story) put a headline on it of "Proof Russians Hacked the Election".
  12. You're being naïve. Merkel will soon soften her position as reality sets in.
  13. Trump has not weakened environmental protection. He just hasn't agreed to new standards. The European Union has no one to blame but themselves for their weakened status. Brexit was the fault of the EU's ridiculous immigration policy and Europe has benefited from our military presence and protection enough that they could become soft and socialist.
  14. Yes, but they are spelled differently.
  15. Yes, but when one of them is in Asia it compounds things.
  16. I'm not sure I get your math here. Are you combining senators and representatives?
  17. It's so funny. Maybe you could team up with gator and do a duet about the movie maker and Benghazi. It would be hillaryass.
  18. While Obama left town for all holidays, necessitating staff to go with him and away from their families on those holidays, Bush didn't travel for the holidays for the specific reason of allowing his staff to be at home with their families. When the Iraqi war started Bush gave up golf, feeling that it just wasn't right to be seen on the golf course while he commanded troops attempting to just stay alive trying to avoid IED's in 110 degrees heat. Obama, on the other hand gave a eulogy for fallen troops while tying up his golf cleats (hyperbole, but only barely). One can tell much about people just by the way they treat subordinates. Barry and Michelle weren't much liked. George and Laura were loved, while Hillary was despised.
  19. By all reports 43 was a great guy and loved by staff.
  20. As I said. Answer the following. Horseshit! You can't post something here, put quotation marks around it and then when confronted about it claim it was sarcasm. It makes you look wimpy. Either learn to actually do sarcasm well enough for people to know that it is sarcasm, or use emoticons. Aren't there some other qualities that you would prefer a president to have than "charisma"?
  21. My type of heartfelt respect after the war, would have been conducive to reconciliation. Your attitude wouldn't.
  22. Horseshit! You can't post something here, put quotation marks around it and then when confronted about it claim it was sarcasm. It makes you look wimpy. Either learn to actually do sarcasm well enough for people to know that it is sarcasm, or use emoticons. Aren't there some other qualities that you would prefer a president to have than "charisma"?
  23. Don't forget Huntsman.
  24. I'm glad my attitude towards the South won out in the years after the Civil War ended. Your attitude would not have aided reconciliation.
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