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Everything posted by grinreaper

  1. You know, it's pretty simple. If Comey felt he was being pressured and asked to stop an investigation it was his sworn duty to report that to his superior. He didn't. He can't have it both ways. Either he wasn't really pressured but is stating so now, or he was pressured and should face his actions via our court system. I hear that federal workers that deal with watercraft transportation are tied to child prostitution rings. All of them.
  2. Now here's some real collusion between a U.S. President and the Russians. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/obama-tells-medvedev-solution-on-missile-defense-is-unlikely-before-elections/2012/03/26/gIQASoblbS_story.html?utm_term=.6e5046e74b62
  3. You just exposed highly classified information. Don't worry, Russian winters aren't all that bad compared to Gitmo in the summer.
  4. I bet that would be a belly splitting laugh for you. Latest dems cry: "Trump killed Putin".
  5. I hope this helps. http://mentalhealthdaily.com/2013/04/24/11-ways-to-increase-your-iq-score-intelligence-quotient/
  6. Are you sure about that?
  7. I'd be calling it trash but then again I could be poor and white.
  8. Somehow I wasn't aware of this policy. It was blatant corruption by the Obama administration and should have been loudly denounced as long as it was in place.
  9. I am smarter than that. It's not that I take his bait, it's that I !@#$ed up and threw away the blue dress. What can I say, he needed the protein.
  10. Two observations: She leans to the right. She likes big vibrators.
  11. Who is the government body made up of?
  12. I can't remember if he has you on ignore or not.
  13. As I wrote that I thought that it might be taken that way, but only by those that are predisposed to want some. Anyway, if I wanted one, I wouldn't ask John Adams Ben Franklin for one.
  14. Half of the time when I read one of your posts I think that you think that you are looking down on us. Almost like sniping at us from the balcony. You never post much that has any substance because you try to stay above the fray and out of harms way. If you are going to be an arrogant prick be a hard one that at least has a point of view not a soft one that, as you know, is pretty useless.
  15. http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/project_syndicate/2012/09/thanks_to_fracking_u_s_carbon_emissions_are_at_the_lowest_levels_in_20_years_.html This is an old article but even then we here in the U.S. had made great strides in reducing carbon dioxide emissions. Natural gas is a cheap but clean alternative to other forms of energy. Electric autos sound nice but that electricity is often generated by the burning of coal. Biofuels so far haven't been the answer. That 10% ethanol blend reduces my mileage by a good 10% while simultaneously raising crop prices by reducing farmland used for food. Wind and solar power need subsidies to make them even somewhat viable. A great deal of people are up in arms over us stepping away from the Paris Agreement. That agreement was nothing but an agreement to give other countries our money so that they could follow the failed wishful policies of the Unicorn People. Instead of giving people our money we should be finding ways to deliver our abundant natural resources to them and get paid for it. The free market has worked very well here, why abandon it for some useless agreement that is nothing but a transfer of wealth? If the Paris Agreement is actually about "saving the planet" then maybe we should be encouraging the rest of the world to follow our lead since we have actually made a difference when it comes to carbon emissions.
  16. I remember that now. I think at the time I assumed he meant that if we went through the impeachment process that the House would probably go dem. I gave him too much credit. Those German Lugers must have been manufactured in Mexico or Kenya.
  17. How did I miss that one? What thread? Anyway, even when he had his error explained to him he tried to argue.
  18. Explain to the Board how you calculated that there were 48 weeks in a year.
  19. Until you get it right, I'll keep making fun of your ignorance.
  20. Bannings can be a good thing. Every time you get your ass banned here the intelligence level goes up and the days just seem a little brighter.
  21. Besides, with all the newcomers Memphis might have tipped over into the mighty Mississippi.
  22. It's just Trump doing for the economy what he said he would do. One dentist at a time.
  23. He does know there are 48 weeks in a year though.
  24. You misheard that. They had there thing where the sun doesn't shine.
  25. Horseshit. Todays killers indiscriminately kill others and do it in as cruel of a way as possible. They are a segment of Islam who hasn't grown out of the dark ages but they have modern weapons to use on people when they aren't beheading them with a scimitar.
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