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Everything posted by grinreaper

  1. Oh great, another reformed republican that has seen the light. Have fun competing with Baskin. Vagina fight!
  2. I certainly don't want to be on the receiving end of that.
  3. So, you and gator must have a lot in common, no?
  4. You're the one on the left, right?
  5. On the odd chance that you actually have a brain, then maybe you should use it. The only time you post a well written coherent thought is when you plagiarize it. On your own you make so many mistakes in either grammar or spelling that you should be ashamed of yourself. Now, tell me why I am jealous of you?
  6. You are PPP's Useless Idiot and are in a class of your own.
  7. No, you don't want to hear his answer. Trust me. Edit: Do you see now?
  8. No honey, your ass doesn't look big in those shorts.
  9. All together now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A71wdsTqkfM
  10. Their staff usually does all the work and the attorney shows up for the closing is all. Prior to the closing they might do something if there is a problem with the deed or something else. I once attended an evening closing where I represented the Buyer of several properties. I found that the Settlement papers were all messed up and I had to completely redo them because the attorney didn't know how to do them and his staff had all gone home. There are some sharp ones though. A local one here in WNY bought a large lakefront parcel that had a decent home on it. He subdivided it out and sold the lots and home and was able to pay for his lakefront lot and 3000 s/f home with his profits. He still has some wooded lots to sell when it is advantageous.
  11. Obviously Trump's tax returns are very complicated and he would be a fool to release them. The left would have a party misconstruing everything. They would get away with it because few people understand anything more than a 1040, if that. I've always done my own taxes because I could but also so that I understood the tax code and how I could benefit from it. I can remember having to explain 1031 exchanges to attorneys. With that said I'd have to do a lot of reading up on things to even have a hope of understanding his taxes.
  12. Goes without saying.
  13. As Robert Ringer explained in "Winning Through Intimidation" it's all about preparation. If you do your job right the product sells itself.
  14. The same Russian Ambassador whom the Democrats invited to sit with them for President Trump’s first address to a joint session of Congress? The idea that it is somehow suspicious for Jeff Sessions, or anyone else, to talk with the Russian Ambassador, apparently the Democrats’ best friend, is absurd. Talking to people is what ambassadors do. Well, the Democrats may ask, what did you talk about? I have no idea, but I can say with absolute certainty that Sessions’ answer will not be: we discussed what a great idea it would be for Russian hackers to spearfish credulous Democratic Party staffers so as to get access to Debbie Wasserman-Schultz’s email account, which could then be passed on to WikiLeaks. Because who knows, it might contain emails showing that the Democrats had a whole bunch of superdelegates, a principal purpose of which was to make sure that Hillary Clinton won the nomination–something that everyone who pays any attention to politics already knew. This whole “investigation” is a farce. As Mark Steyn writes: The idea that Jeff Sessions had something to do with a spearfishing expedition into the DNC’s email server (the Russians, if they were Russians, tried the same thing with the RNC, but the Republicans weren’t dumb enough to fall for it) is ridiculous. No one believes it, not even the most rabid Democrat. To say that there is no evidence to suggest any such thing is an understatement. No doubt CNN, the New York Times and the Washington Times will pretend to find something “troubling” in Sessions’s testimony tomorrow, no matter what he says. But it is becoming increasingly obvious to any sane person that with regard to the “Russian investigation,” there is nothing to investigate. Let's not put the Washington Post on a pedestal and call them something they are not.
  15. This may have been mentioned here but it is a serious issue that the MSM is basically ignoring. http://www.judicialwatch.org/press-room/press-releases/judicial-watch-sues-justice-department-records-forcing-corporations-fund-leftist-groups/ (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it has filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Justice for records relating to an Obama administration policy of settling agency lawsuits against corporate defendants by requiring that the corporations make “donations” to left-wing interest groups La Raza, the Urban League and the National Community Reinvestment Coalition. The lawsuit was filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:17-cv-01064)). Judicial Watch filed the suit after the Justice Department failed to respond to its April 7, 2017, FOIA request seeking: All records discussing the policy or practice of settling [Department of Justice] lawsuits against corporate defendants by requiring donations to La Raza, the Urban League or the National Community Reinvestment Coalition.The time frame of the request was identified as January 1, 2013 through January 20, 2017. Judicial Watch submitted its FOIA request in the aftermath of an extensive investigation by the House Judiciary and Financial Services Committee that found the Obama Department of Justice had “engaged in a pattern or practice of systematically subverting Congress’ budget authority by using settlements from financial institutions to funnel money to left-wing activist groups.”
  16. PPP has a poor reputation with poor posters that come here and can't hack it.
  17. The EC is supposed to represent the will of the states.
  18. Not quite as excessive as he would have gotten a few decades ago.
  19. https://stream.org/taxpayers-to-pay-for-inmate-bradley-mannings-sex-change/
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