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Everything posted by grinreaper

  1. He was known in Congress as a gym/workout rat.
  2. Yes, I am different than the Left I despise. So, CA can't build a RR so Trump can't build a barrier? Give up posting with the adults and go post with the rest of the Occupy Democrat crowd.
  3. You were wrong regarding the wall and were called out on it. You then responded by flitting from one thing to the other, as usual. Same old Eric.
  4. As usual you approach a subject with little knowledge but a lot of direction from your handlers. Then your ADHD sets in and you are all over the place.
  5. Doesn't look like her to me.
  6. Now you've gone and done it, showing that you haven't been keeping up with the issue or you are just plain lying. Nobody is calling for a coast to coast wall, thirty feet tall. As far as the train goes, whose idea was it and in what state? I'll give you a hint so that you might get it. Dems & California. Was that enough of a hint?
  7. If he was a team he would be called the "Washington Generals".
  8. Ponder something fellas. If there was no direct evidence would the use of the word "direct" imply that there was indirect evidence? Why not just say there was no evidence?
  9. I've got the yoyo.
  10. Does anyone believe that a media that lies and pounds Trump every chance it gets isn't going to find a way to slant or fix the polls?
  11. Didn't you know he was a conservative?
  12. You are udderly milking this too much.
  13. Whatever Trump does here he will be seen as the winner unless there are some things we don't know in the details.
  14. I think you'd be wise to hold off claiming victory until this has all played out. It appears that the dems have done nothing for the DACA people, increased the "beds" allowed and moved off of their stance on the morality of the wall. Trump can only move so fast and the money that would be appropriated here along with additional funds taken from elsewhere keeps construction going. The really good negotiators think many steps ahead and leave their opponent thinking they've done well.
  15. Voting record is not a reason to get your vote but a reason to not get your vote. Anyone can have a voting record that you agree with simply by asking their party leader how they want him/her to vote. A president needs to be a leader and that includes inspiring people. "The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers." --Ralph Nader "The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things." --Ronald Reagan
  16. Voting record is nice and all but is he competent and can he lead and inspire?
  17. I'll make sure to drive extra careful.
  18. And wonders why his farts smell like peppermint.
  19. With all that he has accomplished and is in the process of accomplishing think what he could do if he wasn't watching tv 24/7?
  20. I was just spelling it out in simple language, even language a caveman lawyer could understand.
  21. I think the attempt to limit detention beds is just a ploy to limit ICE's authority. Without a bed, and without the ability to deport, the only choice left is to release illegal criminal aliens in the USA. It is the dems way of telling Trump, FU to any deal.
  22. They don't need to say it. Their actions prove it.
  23. Are you sure about that? It's not working the way Obama wanted it to anymore. We can thank Trump for that.
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