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Everything posted by grinreaper

  1. The way it looks is that Donald Jr. was lured to the meeting on the pretense of receiving Hillary damaging news but the Russian lawyer wanted to discuss another subject that was close to Putin's heart.
  2. Right over your head.
  3. i·ro·ny [ˈīrənē] NOUN the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect: "“Don't go overboard with the gratitude,” he rejoined with heavy irony" synonyms: sarcasm · causticity · cynicism · mockery · satire · sardonicism antonyms: sincerity a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often amusing as a result: "the irony is that I thought he could help me" synonyms: paradox · incongruity · incongruousness antonyms: logic a literary technique, originally used in Greek tragedy, by which the full significance of a character's words or actions are clear to the audience or reader although unknown to the character.
  4. You're making this a bigger deal by doubling down. At first you blamed it on autocorrect and I called it a lame excuse, because frankly it is a lame excuse. You then changed your story and lied. This is indicative of a person who would play fast and loose with the truth, like in your incessant attacks on Trump.
  5. So what? You crusaders are pathetic.
  6. This is why you are so full of schit. First you blame it on autocorrect, then change your excuse to "a typo". All you had to do is own up to your mistake in some minor way and no one would have thought a thing about it. Instead, you had to lie about it and then in the same post mischaracterize and conflate Trump's comments about his meeting with Putin and the fact that he found the G20 to be boring. There are plenty of reasons to legitimately criticize Trump without you and you kind making schit up to further your crusade against him.
  7. Lamest excuse ever.
  8. Setting the standard for idiots everywhere.
  9. Common courtesy. I thought it was going to be something about him turning up his hearing aid.
  10. When you also start posting good economic news for Trump then we'll take you more seriously.
  11. Damn, you are behind the times. Hanging gays is pretty much a thing of the past. Throwing them off tall buildings is the latest.
  12. They weren't twins, you idiot. They were just the same model blow-up dolls.
  13. Ah, so we should have a lower standard of living so that the government can take more to either waste it or give it away?
  14. He probably shouldn't tweet, but he is getting his message out unfiltered by a press that despises him.
  15. Show me where I suggested that. I've talked about that recession numerous times here and probably in direct response to you. I'm not going to educate you again just to have you fall back to your talking points. This I'll give you----read up on the CRA.
  16. If I were you I'd be worried. Real worried. You've got that gatorthink down pat.
  17. I've been here for years as 3rdnlng and am well aware of gator's special stupidity. I usually ignore him but every once in awhile feel like insulting his stupid ass. That's my prerogative.
  18. You don't have a clue why that recession started and I could explain it to you 100 times and you would still stick to the talking points that are given you. You proudly wear your ignorance like it was custom made for you.
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