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Everything posted by grinreaper
Wow. Already with the excuses, eh? Gotta say one thing for ya gator, you know how to be defeated.
I think we can all agree that the MMGW fanatics essentially are following a religion. Since we can also all agree that there should be separation of church and state we cannot allow our government to get involved with MMGW in any way shape or form. The Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Accord are and were a violation of separation of church and state. In addition, any funding of the elders (so called scientists) of this religion should immediately be cut and we should make all attempts to have that funding returned to the government. In addition, anyone (George Soros comes to mind) who proposed, suggested or in some way coerced the government into violating the separation of church and state shall be held liable up to 100 billion dollars.
No, the Russians wanted to talk about sanctions and adoption. Don Jr. wanted the goods on Hillary, which they didn't actually have as they promised. He is in no legal jeopardy for meeting with them or emailing them about evidence that they might have detrimental to Hillary. The media and hacks like Adam Schiff are pushing this story to people like you who are either purposely disingenuous or duped easily.
Don't ask, as I'm shaking my head like the AFLAK duck walking out the barbershop door.
There was nothing illegal about him meeting with Russians or his emails. They lured him into having a meeting by claiming they had real evidence of Hillary wrongdoing when they didn't really have it. They really wanted to talk about sanctions and adoptions.
The Media's Portrayal of Trump and His Presidency
grinreaper replied to Nanker's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Courtesy of DCTom: Rookie Members 412 posts Posted 31 March 2017 - 08:19 AM Keep it up Meathead and Tiberius, we are doing something right when Slim Peeper and Assalin keep getting mad! -
Now I see. By sending me various sizes of Doc Martens you figure on determining something? It would have been cheaper sending me gloves.
Clinton Political Dynasty
grinreaper replied to TakeYouToTasker's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
You still haven't learned how to Google yet? -
Now there you go again. First you start talking about my underwear. Next you'll most likely ask me if you can unbunch them. Take your sex talk somewhere else. While you are at it learn to make funny jokes.
Clinton Political Dynasty
grinreaper replied to TakeYouToTasker's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
You just can't get away from your obsession with dick, can you? I don't care if you are gay, transgendered, a tranny or a tooch sniffer. Just don't do your soliciting here. -
You have to tell me when you are making a joke. For some reason it isn't obvious on its own.
If only people would talk, much of the world's strife could be reduced. You prefer a site for threesomes and gatorbait really likes dick. The answer is so simple I don't think I have to spell it out to you. Just you two figure it out elsewhere and by all means have fun!
See, you could have saved all this nonsense if you only asked Boyst to choke on your dick through "Grinder". This place is not about sex, gay or not. It was designed so that we could play Whack-A-Mole with you and your ilk.
I don't think you quite get it here. This is not a place to hook up. Eating a dick might be relaxing for you but I'd be willing to bet that the vast majority of posters here would find that more than a little uncomfortable. I suggest that you learn how to use Google and find yourself a more appropriate site to discuss your gayness.
The Media's Portrayal of Trump and His Presidency
grinreaper replied to Nanker's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Horseshit! You think it's junk because you don't agree with it. Gator does a lot of copy and paste of OpEds and I don't see you objecting to that. -
Listen, you told another poster here to choke on your dick. I was mocking you for your uncouthness. Your gay remarks make me believe that there's probably some fire behind that smoke and before I get to feeling uncomfortable because of it, you should just quit talking dick. This is not a site to make those kinds of connections. If you want some guy to choke on your dick I suggest that you go to a club where they wear chaps and do a lot of sashaying.
http://www.cnbc.com/2017/07/14/jpms-jamie-dimon-blows-up-at-washington-on-earnings-call.html Since the Great Recession, which is now 8 years old, we've been growing at 1.5 to 2 percent in spite of stupidity and political gridlock. Because the American business sector is powerful and strong, and is going to grow regardless of — people wake up in the morning, they want to feed their kids, they want to buy a home, they want to do things, the same with American businesses — what I'm saying is it would be much stronger growth had we made intelligent decisions and were there not gridlock. And thank you for pointing it out because I'm going to be a broken record until this gets done. We are unable to build bridges, we're unable to build airports, our inner city school kids are not graduating. I was just in France, I was recently in Argentina, I was in Israel, I was in Ireland. We met with the prime minister of India and China. It's amazing to me that every single one of those countries understands that practical policies to promote business and growth is good for the average citizens of those countries, for jobs and wages, and that somehow this great American free enterprise system, we no longer get it. Corporate taxation is critical to that, by the way. We've been driving capital earnings overseas, which is why there's $2 trillion overseas benefiting all these other countries and stuff like that. So if we don't get our act together — we can still grow. It's unfortunate, but it's hurting us, it's hurting the body politic, it's hurting the average American that we don't have these right policies. So no, in spite of gridlock we'll grow at maybe 1.5 or 2 percent. I don't buy the argument that we're relegated to this forever. We're not. If this administration can make breakthroughs in taxes and infrastructure, regulatory reform —we have become one of the most bureaucratic, confusing, litigious societies on the planet. It's almost an embarrassment being an American citizen traveling around the world and listening to the stupid s--- we have to deal with in this country. And at one point we all have to get our act together or we won't do what we're supposed to [do] for the average Americans. And unfortunately people write about this saying like it's for corporations. It's not for corporations. Competitive taxes are important for business and business growth, which is important for jobs and wage growth. And honestly we should be ringing that alarm bell, every single one of you, every time you talk to a client.
No asswipe, I did this thing called "Google".
First things first: http://dailyhealthsource.org/mens-health/larger-penis.html?voluumdata=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&MatchType=e&BidMatchType=be&QueryString=penis%20enlargement%20ads&KeyWord=penis%20enlargement%20ads&CampaignID=291208256&AdGroupID=1272134988580331&AdID=79508447895112&TargetID=kwd-79508457226880&IfSearch:SearchNetworkDisplay=SearchNetworkDisplay&IfContent:ContentNetworkDisplay=
I'll put this here for schits and giggles: Well worth listening to and even better watching it: http://www.dallasobserver.com/news/tomi-lahren-blasts-dallas-broadnax-over-police-chief-selection-9658824
You have some good points but it is all speculation regarding what Hillary might have done. She would have had to pivot far from the far left to let us gain the upper hand as it pertains to energy. As I see it our issues with supplying Europe with natural gas is obviously the transportation challenge. If/when we get that figured out we'll either be calling the shots or face war with Russia.
The Media's Portrayal of Trump and His Presidency
grinreaper replied to Nanker's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
He's not there for this that your post #1135 stated: Another foreign trip another whine fest to the people in France. Does he really think foreigners give a ratsass about him and the US media? ITS NOT ABOUT YOU DONNY You are there for the Paris climate accord and an agreement within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change dealing with greenhouse gas emissions mitigation, adaptation and finance starting in the year 2020. Do something presidential Pollution bad, fresh air good or is it goodly? Can you imagine him in front of the brutal British Press? Maybe if you paid attention to actual facts you would know that he's there to celebrate not only Bastille Day but the 100th anniversary of the U.S. entering WWI and saving those pussies asses. -
Check your facts, dumbass.
The Media's Portrayal of Trump and His Presidency
grinreaper replied to Nanker's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Have you figured out why Trump was in Paris yet?