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Everything posted by grinreaper

  1. Just put a little vinegar "down there" and leave the steaks alone.
  2. The Republicans are split, the Democrats will never vote for a Republican plan, so nothing is going to happen until either the Democrats see it in their advantage to work with the Republicans or the ACA is repealed. The Democrats have shouldered the blame for the ACA for nearly 8 years and would like nothing better than a new plan, all Republican, to switch who gets the blame. Washington politics as usual.
  3. You brought up gun running you dumbass. I refuted you simply with a link that anyone who can use Google would have found for themselves, and you moved the goalposts. You are picking battles with people here who will shred you to bits. They'll do it in a principled rapier sort of way too. Keep this Russian collusion thing going too. It'll be fun to see you guys eat crow. You guys remind me of the George Zimmerman haters in the Trayvon Martin case. You know, the ones who still think GZ chased TM down like a dog and executed him? You guys are the same. Ten years from now, even without a trace of truth you'll still be howling at the moon. It has to suck to be you.
  4. And you're not fooling anyone but yourself. 44 stepped into a mess created by democrat policies that were started with Jimmy Carter, added on to by Bill Clinton and taken advantage of by Obama when he was a community organizer. The CRA was the catalyst for the housing bubble that caused the meltdown. Bush tried many times to corral the out of hand lending but it was the democrat leadership in the House specifically that shot down his attempts. I agree that both parties have lost their way but I'm anything but a partisan ideologue. Of course I have my convictions but I'm also a pragmatist. I was absolutely against the ACA back in 2009 & 2010. I can remember arguing at length about its constitutional merits, but also saying that if it was going to pass at least make it compatible with long held insurance principles. There is a basic principle in insurance that is called "The Law of Large Numbers". Simply put, in this instance is that if you are going to insure the known sick then you need to insure a hell of a lot of healthy people. The very fact that the ACA virtually told the healthy people that they didn't need to sign up by fining taxing them peanuts for not signing up insured that the ACA was doomed. This was such a misstep that one would think that it had to have been done on purpose to bring us closer to single payer. You can talk about Trump all you want but understand that you and your ilk are only trying to make sure that the policies he campaigned on are not coming to fruition. He won the election fair and square based on immigration/wall issues and economy/taxes stances. The thing that put him over the top was the fear of letting Hillary pick the next two or three Supreme Court Justices. You don't like Trump personally and think that he's no conservative. I don't disagree with you at all. All that matters though is what policies he pursues and what he accomplishes. Oh, then we won't talk about him running guns to Mexico. Did you expect people to read your mind and know which gun running operation you were posting about?
  5. When evaluating someone it is probably a good idea to note their accomplishments.
  6. Aw, butthurt much? Where were you guys when the worst president at least since Woodrow Wilson was in office the last 8 years? Scandal after scandal after scandal. Did nothing to protect our borders while simultaneously encouraging gang members to sneak into our country. Set race relations back by decades. Did nothing to improve our economy. Failed in foreign policy. Screwed up our health insurance further than what it was. Besides that he lied about many things and was extremely mean spirited and vengeful. Oh, he also doubled our national debt. You guys couldn't be here to defend that but certainly are here now to bash Trump at every opportunity.
  7. Listen, you little pissant, I've made contributions here for years. You, on the other hand should probably stick to the main board. I was using hyperbole to show how ridiculous your statements were. Its been obvious since you recently started posting down here that you know very little about politics. I laugh at you lefties who started coming down here about 6 months or so ago. It's a lot easier bitching about who's in charge now than having to defend Obama, isn't it?
  8. Take your pick: https://www.bing.com/search?q=obama+protects+holder+fast+and+furious&form=PRHPR1&pc=HRTE&mkt=en- us&httpsmsn=1&refig=31f64eece3964542a7f3540d914afb16&sp=-1&pq=undefined&sc=5-29&qs=n&sk=&cvid=31f64eece3964542a7f3540d914afb16 You either live in an isolated world surrounded by idiotic lefties or are just woefully ignorant. I would guess both. Obfuscation! You must have something to hide.
  9. How often do you beat your wife?
  10. You don't post down here much and your initial post on this subject gave me no reason to believe you were being sarcastic. Maybe if there was some history there I would have been able to assume that. Regardless, if you were being sarcastic, kudos to you. I don't engage gator daily. In fact I rarely if ever "engage" gator. I mock him.
  11. Are you trying to say you didn't post the following earlier in this thread or are you backtracking by claiming it was sarcasm? jmc12290, on 16 Jul 2017 - 2:54 PM, said:
  12. Just look at the name. He obviously was transgendered.
  13. Don't perpetuate that falsehood.. Those tomahawk missiles destroyed 1/4 of Syria's air force. I've corrected you several times regarding this falsehood yet you continue with this lie. Why should we believe anything you post?
  14. Good article. Thank you. Thank you too.
  15. He's so stupid he doesn't even know he's stupid.
  16. But this isn't what I was responding too though. See the conversation below. You were repeating the lie about Trump asking the Russians to hack Hillary when he was ridiculing her for the 30,000 deleted emails. #34fan, on 16 Jul 2017 - 9:46 PM, said: This has been disputed and explained to you more than once. You are wrong and continue to spread this lie. What can people think other than that you are a partisan, disingenuous, lying prick?
  17. I think you may have forgotten that humans are mammals. I suggest that we start with reptiles right here on this board. Oh, and their bait too.
  18. This has been disputed and explained to you more than once. You are wrong and continue to spread this lie. What can people think other than that you are a partisan, disingenuous, lying prick?
  19. How do feel about the bipartisan election fraud commission headed up by Mike Pence?
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