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Everything posted by grinreaper

  1. Conservatives tend to have a variety of views on a variety of topics. That's why passing a Health Insurance plan is so difficult. Democrats tend to fall in line behind their leadership and march in lock-step.
  2. And where will they get their electricity?
  3. Don't you remember him being down here and posting his disgust with the Obama administration and all their dirty tricks? I mean he was a real regular here.
  4. Of course she's right. It's natural and natural is good for you.
  5. I remember how you cried out in anguish over the misdeeds of Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch.
  6. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/apr/10/stephen-moore-how-fracking-reduces-greenhouse-gase/ Read how fracking has allowed the U.S. to substantially reduce carbon emissions.
  7. We have 8400 troops over there.
  8. So Obama passed out fish instead of teaching people to fish?
  9. Remember all, the exemptions have been applying to not just congressmen but to all of their staffers too. Taking away the congressional exemptions and subsidies would have a much larger affect than what some seem to think.
  10. Does anyone know what infrastructure was fixed with the 800 billion dollars?
  11. If we want to fix the healthcare insurance industry the first step is insuring that lawmakers face having the same plans that everyday Americans have. No exemptions and no subsidies.
  12. Perfect example. Make me buy gasoline that is 10% ethanol that reduces my mileage by 10% while simultaneously harming small engines and increasing the price of crops.
  13. The question is if the media would sweep it under the rug.
  14. Save your breath. These people are so partisan that they can't fathom a person hoping that the Trump presidency may actually do this country some good. If he is able to follow through on his main campaign promises then it doesn't really matter how inept he appears. That very ineptness might be the thing that brings back balance to our government.
  15. http://www.dailywire.com/news/19146/russia-bribes-sex-19-massive-democrat-scandals-msm-john-nolte 19 scandals that you may or may not know about that the media just isn't concerned about.
  16. There may be room but there is no appetite here.
  17. Ah, Ben, Shady and Tiberius get together for tea. Seems about right.
  18. It's debatable what she meant but the fact that so many people could believe that she said it is telling. You'll have to excuse me though, I heard Guam was tipping over and I have to go check it out. Didn't see this.
  19. These are the committees that she has been a member of: ◾ House Committee - Banking and Financial Services ◾ House Committee - Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs ◾ House Committee - Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs ◾ House Committee - Financial Services ◾ Housing and Community Opportunity - Chair ◾ House Committee - Judiciary ◾ House Committee - Small Business ◾ House Committee - Veterans' Affairs Banking and Financial Services?
  20. This whole healthcare thing is much more serious than I knew. The republicans want to throw 700 Billion people off their plans. https://pjmedia.com/video/maxine-waters-says-700-billion-people-are-about-to-lose-their-healthcare/
  21. Now see, I have a different philosophy, Fvck the Dolphins and their fans.
  22. No, that was not done by the founders but is a senate rule. Back in the day we had 13 states and only 26 senators.
  23. http://www.kgw.com/news/woman-65-in-ne-portland-reports-sex-assault-break-in-and-car-burglary/459231264 20 deportations, several arrests and the sheriff won't hold him for ICE. So he breaks into a 65 year old woman's house, beats on her, sodomizes her and steals her car. He does get caught though when he holds a knife to another woman.
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