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Everything posted by grinreaper

  1. Lets just all agree to use the word seamen in place of anything sounding like come, jizz or love juice. Wait a minute, jizz didn't get censored. Hmmn.
  2. Not those who don't want to work. AOC has them covered.
  3. Hmmn, what with a ton of unfilled jobs and wages going up substantially one would think that retail would continue to be strong regardless of any glitches.
  4. I didn't say which one in the picture was "The Dude".
  5. "The Dude" on a date:
  6. Nature has always been a B word up until they tried to blame its consequences on men too by naming hurricanes after them. The question to ponder is if this was just a way to emasculate men or to shift blame? *****es are sneaky.
  7. What's Cuomo's problem? People are just listening to him. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/jan/24/governor-cuomo-conservatives-not-welcome-new-york You’re seeing that play out in New York. … The Republican party candidates are running against the SAFE Act – it was voted for by moderate Republicans who run the Senate! Their problem is not me and the Democrats; their problem is themselves. Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay? Is that who they are? Because if that’s who they are and they’re the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are.
  8. Not reading your stuff actually is addition by subtraction.
  9. It's dumb for a certain percentage of the recipients but very true for others.
  10. Listen, you don't do your homework in order to have the ability to actually discuss something. You use talking points to try to make your points and they don't fly very well with people who know their stuff. You go from one "point" to another like a kid in a toy shop. While the kid walks or runs to the next toy, you have no way of seguing to the next point. You just jump around.
  11. You saw it too? Yes, he's a bad actor.
  12. CNN headline: Trump Economy Taking Benefits Away.
  13. The federal judge took away all of Trump's leverage before a deal was consummated. The dems walked away once the judge's decision came down. If you paid any real attention to this stuff like many of us do here you'd already know that and I wouldn't have given you a link to several articles.
  14. Educate yourself. https://www.bing.com/search?q=daca deal 2018 ruined by federal judge&qs=n&form=QBRE&sp=-1&pq=daca deal 2018 ruined by federal judge&sc=1-38&sk=&cvid=7E8E05CFEE254EF99CEF4BC656A5763A
  15. Again, you are full of fecal matter. Trump did have a verbal deal with the Left about a year ago, then a federal judge made a ruling that wouldn't allow Trump to use DACA people as leverage to do that deal. The Left backed away. Get your facts straight.
  16. Ha! I had to plead guilty to a parking violation by mail. I sent my pleading by certified mail with a return request. It cost me $6.85 to do so. They sent me back more paperwork that I had to have my signature notarized and then another certified mail/return request for $6.85. Those some expensive stamps.
  17. Trump won without a doubt. The Left's "the wall is immoral" stance is no longer available to them in the future. Were they just a little immoral because they only gave up some money for the wall? The Left did nothing for DACA nor did they even try. That takes that issue away from them.
  18. Obviously you have a political statement to make, since I showed you a picture that disputes your contention that he would break in half if playing football. Take your politics to PPP and I'll gladly discuss.
  19. I didn't change anything. I copied it and pasted it like you wrote it, just like the above mistake. You call me disingenuous but that is your history.
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