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Everything posted by grinreaper

  1. He said some people that marched were good people, he didn't say that any white supremacists were good people.
  2. Please, show us a concrete example of when Donald trump defended white supremacists.
  3. I'd venture to guess that it's two out of three, and he doesn't have autocorrect.
  4. https://crowdsondemand.com/ Your home for Protests, Rallies, Audiences, PR Stunts, and Celebrity Events. Are you looking to create a buzz anywhere in the United States? At Crowds on Demand, we provide our clients with protests, rallies, flash-mobs, paparazzi events and other inventive PR stunts. These services are available across the country in every major U.S city, every major U.S metro area and even most smaller cities as well. We provide everything including the people, the materials and even the ideas. You can come to us with a specific plan of action and we can make it happen. OR, you can approach us with a general idea and we can help you plan the strategy then execute it. We’ve made campaigns involving hundreds of people come to action in just days. We have a proven record of delivering major wins on even the toughest campaigns and delivering phenomenal experiences with even the most logistically challenging events. Our services are now available throughout the United States, so whether you’re looking at doing a single event or a multi-city campaign, we have the resources available to achieve your goals. Sound interesting? Reach out to us by filling out the form below with as much detail as possible. From there, we’ll get back to you quickly with some ideas and pricing. Thanks again! We look forward to working with you. Name(required) Email(required) Phone(required) How can we help you? (please include as much detail as possible). Details might include some of the following: Why you're reaching out to us, What services you're interested in, Your objectives, The date(s) and Time(s) of the event or campaign, Location(s) for the event or campaign, Your approximate budget, etc. If you aren't comfortable including every detail, please at minimum let us know what type of services you're interested in (Protests, Rallies, Corporate PR Stunts, Celebrity Events, etc).(required) Get in Touch: Crowds on Demand 8484 Wilshire Boulevard, 5th Floor Beverly Hills, CA 90211 Call us at our 24/7 customer service line: (877)323-9244 We are a member of the: <img src="https://pixel.wp.com/b.gif?v=noscript" style="height:0px;width:0px;overflow:hidden" alt="" />
  5. I thought you might have been talking about Nathan Bedford Forrest.
  6. You're no great judge of common sense either.
  7. He would have a job now with the 49ers if he hadn't opted out. He might have been considered in Miami except for his wearing of Che Guevara t-shirts while he was in Miami. He probably isn't being considered elsewhere because he's a schitty QB.
  8. No, I didn't want to include recent history.
  9. http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/07/blacklivesmatter-war-cops-least-10-cops-shot-killed-black-lives-matter-goons/ The #BlackLivesMatter Kill List: At Least 8 Cops Shot Dead – 9 More Wounded By #BLM Criminals Jim Hoft Jul 9th, 2016 8:56 am 69 Comments The Black Lives Matter Kill List— At least 8 police officers have been shot dead and several shot and injured by Black Lives Matter activists since the movement began in August 2014.
  10. Baskin, as together as always.
  11. That would be Happy, or maybe Grumpy.
  12. And they wonder why they are mocked.
  13. On the off chance I'm understanding you, you are an idiot.
  14. What does that say about you?
  15. Movie studios should stay the hell out of minorities sex lives!
  16. He's quite a character. I've been close to some of his deals and I can tell ya, he has more bluster than Trump.
  17. Later in life Forrest denounced the KKK, but if we're going to be digging up graves one would think that Robert Byrd should be on that list.
  18. Free speech is ok here, although in 34's case one gets what they pay for.
  19. The problem is they could be aiming a few hundred miles away and they might accidently hit Guam.
  20. Regardless, you will be armed with knowledge.
  21. http://www.redstate.com/sweetie15/2017/08/15/fomenting-chaos-durham-nc-radicals-destroy-confederate-monument-shouldnt-ok/ I’m going to wade into something here that may be inflammatory (as if that’s ever stopped me). To begin with, the alt-reich right and the white nationalists that fall into that category have no place in our nation. Americans fought and died to keep America free from the ideology you’re trying to take mainstream in this nation. What went on in Charlottesville was atrocious and wrong. If you’re throwing Nazi salutes on American soil, you are not an American, and just as some lawmakers have proposed revoking the citizenship of those who venture out to join ISIS, let’s go ahead and apply that to those promoting the tenets of the Hitler regime in our nation, as well. And speaking of ISIS, part of the horror that is the Islamic State modus operandi has been to destroy historic sites and monuments in areas they invade. Throughout Iraq and Syria, ISIS has done to priceless monuments of heritage what the ravages of time could not do. With that in mind, how are people who destroy monuments on American soil very different than ISIS? OOPS. I went there.
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