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Everything posted by grinreaper

  1. You must be for "no go zones".
  2. So the fundamentalist Muslims who come here who are demanding Sharia law and view us as infidels are basically trying to enslave us and we have every right to resist them, right ?
  3. Not at all. This thread hasn't had a post from an asswipe all day.
  4. Try rinsing with mouthwash afterwards.
  5. This is a much better way dealing with illegal aliens, eh? https://conservative-daily.com/2017/08/26/sanctuary-city-spitefully-released-illegal-alien-murdered-girlfriend/ Yesterday, President Trump issued his first pardon. He pardoned former-Maricopa County Sherriff Joe Arpaio. One of the reasons that Arpaio was charged with criminal contempt was because he violated a judge's order and continued to notify the Federal government when he captured illegal aliens. Basically, one liberal judge wanted Arpaio to become a sanctuary county. When he refused, the Obama Justice Dept. went after him. Sanctuary cities are a scourge in this country. Just last week, we were reminded of this yet again. Santa Rosa is a sanctuary city in California. On August 3, Santa Rosa police apprehended an illegal alien named Nery Israel Estrada-Margos for beating his girlfriend. As soon as his name was entered into the system, ICE recognized he was a violent illegal alien and filed paperwork to have Santa Rosa police hold him until federal agents could take possession of the suspect. Santa Rosa refused ICE's request. They notified federal agents, but only gave them 16 minutes notice before he was released. Since the Immigration and Customs Enforcement office is 60-miles away, it was physically impossible for the feds to get there in time. Liberals laughed when the agents got there hours late. Well, Estrada-Margos is back behind bars now. On August 18, just two weeks after being released, he was arrested once again. Except, instead of just beating his girlfriend, this time he murdered her… This sanctuary city law got this woman murdered.
  6. It won't stop teenage boys from getting boners from a slight breeze either. If the wall wasn't there would the Border Patrol have seen the pot being thrown over it? Your posting really sucks. It is always one-sided. In this instance you are claiming that the wall won't stop smuggling because it actually did? Here's an award for you:
  7. What is your !@#$ing point?
  8. Usually those that have fully transitioned change their name to something like Chelsea or Caitlin. You, on the other hand still claim to be large. Regrets?
  9. How many of Trump's EO's were meant to nullify Obama's EO's?
  10. Have you considered taking some English classes? It might help you assimilate.
  11. Do you know where one might donate? If so, can we start small and make suggestions?
  12. I wonder if this will give him a hint?
  13. The left and MSM know that their Russian narrative is wrong so they took up a new narrative criticizing Trump for his Charlottsville statements, which were nothing but a denouncement of violence on all sides.
  14. If it works, who would you discuss things with?
  15. That may be true but he is meeting with a schitload of resistance to anything he wants to do. What he has been able to do is get a conservative on the SC and eliminate a whole bunch of regulations that were holding the economy down.
  16. Awan's wife did flee. Awan was caught trying to board a plane at Dulles. They charged him with bank fraud so that they could hold him while building a case. BTW, Awan was the last person seen with Seth Rich.
  17. In his mind he comes down here to make a splash now and then.
  18. I haven't heard anything lately about how Russia hacked the 2016 election. Has anyone else heard anything?
  19. You Canadians and your use of "c''s instead of "s", not to mention you Italians with your "I"s.
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