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Everything posted by grinreaper

  1. If he was right handed he would have discovered Australia first and it may have been in 1493.
  2. Try this one on: Trump's Request For Voters Information (changed topic)
  3. No, no, no. It's indifference. Sorta along these lines: The catcher DOJ will not attempt to make a play on the runner (throw the ball to the base that the runner is attempting to steal). Sometimes, the official scorer will rule this 'defensive indifference' and not award the runner with a stolen base.
  4. He's just trying to justify why she looks attractive to him.
  5. So, do you read Vogue for your daily news?
  6. Looking for inspiration? Do you read Cosmopolitan too?
  7. I'm sure that makes the people of Florida and Texas very happy.
  8. https://conservative-daily.com/2017/09/10/senator-calls-james-comey-rat-demands-new-investigation-clinton-coverup/ Republican Senator Lindsey Graham has demanded that former-FBI director James Comey testify before Congress again after evidence was discovered proving he decided to exonerate Hillary Clinton long before she or her aides were even interrogated. Senator Graham is hardly a Conservative. But, they say that a broken clock is still right twice a day. This seems to be one of those moments. After interviewing other FBI agents and investigators, Senators Lindsey Graham and Chuck Grassley discovered a pattern: people kept admitting that James Comey decided to let Hillary off the hook in April of 2016. The problem is that comes a full three months before Clinton and aides like Cheryl Mills and Brian Pagliano were ever interviewed by the FBI. The reason that Graham and Grassley want to put Comey back in the hotseat is clear. He lied under oath to Congress. He was asked – in no uncertain terms – to explain when he decided to exonerate Hillary Clinton for her Espionage Act crimes, and he explicitly said he made the decision "after" she was interviewed. I can't believe I'm saying this, Lindsey Graham is absolutely right. I smell a rat. . It is a crime to lie to Congress or deliver false statements under oath. This is punishable by up to five years in prison. James Comey is the one who has been leaking documents to the press. He admitted during his Congressional testimony that he leaked government documents to the New York Times in the hope of forcing the appointment of a Special Counsel to go after President Trump. The arrogance of this man is that he never expected his crimes would be revealed in the process. The more Democrats try to investigate the Trump administration, the more lawlessness is revealed on the Left. According to FBI employees' testimony to investigators, Comey was drafting his statement to exonerate Hillary Clinton months before she and 16 other key witnesses were even interviewed. Graham and Grassley point out that when these witnesses finally were interviewed, they were given "highly unusual immunity agreements."
  9. You must understand, that with the circles he runs walks crawls schits his pants with he's correct.
  10. She has two, so the answer is a parent.
  11. ISIS Mexican Cartels Al Qaeda Anser al-Sharia
  12. Do you have a baseline for this? Is 50% their half life? Do you laugh when boarders get killed?
  13. Well, a wake is sort of a party you know.
  14. Laughing, eh? What, are you hoping for her to die?
  15. Or just that it was expected from you.
  16. I know, both of them could again become majority leaders under Hillary in the new Vichy government..
  17. What, you need a good laugh?
  18. Nice way to mischaracterize what he said.
  19. Seems like gator disagrees with you: Tiberius, on 06 Sept 2017 - 7:01 PM, said:
  20. I almost threw my back out laughing at that.
  21. You are actually an intelligent and erudite poster and we are lucky to have you here, but your confusion between "have" and "of" is something gator would do.
  22. Yes, those victims with bats.
  23. How many months have 28 days?
  24. It seems like too many of you people don't remember history. We had amnesty under Reagan with the promise that we would secure our borders. When a new amnesty bill was brought up under Bush, conservatives rightfully threw a fit since we never did anything to secure our borders. This is how building the wall became an issue. The dems fooled us once, tried to do it again during the Bush presidency and failed. Now they are trying to do it again. The answer is really quite simple. Agree to work in a bipartisan way to secure the border and after that is done we'll do an amnesty bill.
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