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Everything posted by grinreaper

  1. That's been debunked time after time but your small mind continues to use it because it fits your narrative.
  2. Diamond Dry works wonders.
  3. I'm never going to get to use my fallout shelter.
  4. That dumbass thinks he is so clever. He thinks if he repeats something enough times it will become the truth. I also like the way he eventually gets around to calling other posters what they accuse him of being. He's now saying that I don't contribute anything here. I wonder how that nothing burger got that idea?
  5. You really are a dumbass. What criteria do you use to call that meeting at Trump Tower a "collusion meeting"?
  6. OK, then show me in the article that you posted the specific areas in which this healthcare bill attempt is bad.
  7. So, if Kimmel was critical of Clinton that makes him right regarding this healthcare bill? The link in your OP proves nothing.
  8. So he had to prepare himself?
  9. OK, I'll bite. What purpose does this serve?
  10. So in other words, we need the government to tell us what is best for us?
  11. I see you still haven't got your period and are running short on "a's" too.
  12. The problem in Venezuela isn’t that socialism has been poorly implemented, but that it has been faithfully implemented. Sounds sort of Reaganesque.
  13. So, this guy was really strange because he didn't want to be around you? Maybe he was just concerned that stupidity might be contagious, eh?
  14. Illegal immigrants actually have a high crime rate.
  15. If I remember correctly she adopted those plans during the primary.
  16. Mistress Penelope has been booked solid and he has to get his S&M somewhere.
  17. Why should anyone believe a lowly private? I'm telling you, this is just one big fat nothing burger.
  18. Gator is probably bent over with laughter over that.
  19. https://youtu.be/uq-v1TTUyhM
  20. I know. I came here from the gameday thread just to clean up a bit.
  21. Do you work for "People" magazine?
  22. C'mon now, tell us the truth. You noticed that on your 88th viewing, didn't you?
  23. The Zyklon Bees did have a tendency to smoke the competition Tends to get rid of the strong taste and make them more palatable. Are we in agreeance on this?
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