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Everything posted by grinreaper

  1. Take your hat off for her if you want, but I used to have at least a little respect for you.
  2. I'm pretty sure that the meeting was about what the protests were doing to the game and eventually the player's pocketbooks. The NFL and/or the teams should have put a stop to this last year. The league and individual teams need to have a policy that everyone stands and shows respect for the national anthem. That can easily be a workplace rule and not have any bearing on free speech.
  3. You are new here and Tiberius/gatorman (and possibly Baskin) are the same. It is the offspring of Sandra Fluke and a rolled up copy of The Huffington Post. Many here have him on ignore while many more refuse to discuss things with him. Others (like me) occasionally respond to him. I do it to practice my mocking skills. Welcome to PPP.
  4. So in other words, you want legal immigration?,
  5. Dare I say it (?) but I prefer Russian vodka comrades friends.
  6. But instead you voted for the other Democrat.
  7. He probably searched a long time for something to copy and paste in order to respond to me. Obviously he couldn't find anything and had to resort to using his own words which puts him at a big disadvantage. I can see though why he uses other peoples work to post here. He tries really hard to follow the old adage of "It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt" but sometimes he just can't resist and he puts himself on par with gator.
  8. No, we'd be gearing up for war with Russia.
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=260bjJxPdws
  10. One would think that she is just a bit tardy going there.
  11. They are not as well established.
  12. http://www.metrolyrics.com/copy-paste-lyrics-diggy-simmons.html
  13. This was on the first page when I Googled "Obama government shutdown cruelty". There's a lot more to be had but I doubt you'd take any of it to heart. Remember, there are none so blind as those who refuse to see. The administer wouldn't allow me to post this link or any excerpts, but if you Google what I did the article from the Federalist alone should be convincing enough.
  14. Just because Levi doesn't have as many doctorates as you and is stuck up in Wasilla, Alaska doesn't mean he can't hold his own.
  15. Please elaborate. Generally speaking we here at PPP all have balls and actually come right out and say what we mean. You don't need to equivocate or be timid. Say what you mean, lest you be considered a pussified eunuch.
  16. He's been a lot of things. After the Navy he played all the characters in this:
  17. Don't let him fool ya, he's always been known as LaJeff Boyst.
  18. He was afraid of getting rear-ended.
  19. Ah, the subtle difference between suck and lick. In my opinion it's 6 in one and half a dozen in the other.
  20. They've come a long way from eating quiche and wearing a fanny pack.
  21. You are attempting to use analytics while in this case I feel confident that the "smell test" is good enough. It seems like everyone is afraid to address this and tip toes around the subject. The reason that more blacks percentage wise are shot by policemen is that more blacks commit crimes percentage wise and put themselves in confrontation with the police more often than whites. Can anyone dispute this? There are high crime areas in our country and they are almost exclusively inner city areas with overwhelming populations of blacks. The real question to ask has nothing to do with percentages but whether or not the police treat a knife wielding black any different than a knife wielding white. I think not. With that said, until the blacks as a whole look at themselves and take responsibility for their condition, then they'll continue to be the slaves of the forces enticing them to be so.
  22. It's not their platform though. It's the NFL's and teams' platform. They don't have any free speech rights in the stadium. Ask the Cowboys about what Jerry Jones told them regarding last night's game. Something like "anyone who doesn't stand for the anthem will be immediately fired".
  23. The whole tone of this post smacks of racism, bias and partisanship on your part. You are not a person looking to discuss but to blame and accuse. In addition you are ill-informed and presumptuous.
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