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Everything posted by grinreaper

  1. For those of you hating on the wall because all the interdictions are happening at ports of entry, ponder this: Walls will force a lot, most, nearly all people, drugs and sex slaves to try to gain entrance to our country through our ports of entry where we have a much higher chance of discovering them. Can anyone argue (successfully) against this?
  2. I came across this group of women who are presently protecting guys like you and me and The_Dude. I feel very safe in their arms. https://thechive.com/2019/02/16/beautiful-badasses-in-and-out-of-uniform-7/
  3. No, but the judge referred to himself 1067 times.
  4. You Canadians are not our hat anymore but our peanut gallery, where the cheap seats and people who shoot off their mouths reside.
  5. You're going to all the wrong bars.
  6. You missed the one that was cut out of the picture on the right (our). The daughter of the person who shall not be named. A slender guy and her would make a threesome.
  7. There's no doubt about it, Trump's policies are the right ones. His bluster means nothing as it pertains to our individual lives, other than the comedy it brings.
  8. Just bustin' your balls.
  9. Let's use the money NYS & NYC were going to give to Amazon. Maybe we can get Amazon to pull out of a deal in say, Chicago and use that giveaway too. Economics is easy.
  10. Yes, but can you be a "defendant" of slaves?
  11. How are they on steel walls?
  12. The game wardens up in Canada have had you on their watch list for some time. So far they've only seen evidence of petty offenses.
  13. Many people here are claiming that the majority of drugs and trafficked humans are found at the ports of entry rather than unprotected border areas. Thank you for making the case for border fences. Border fences are designed to force the people involved in drug/human smuggling to ply their trade at ports of entry. Just because more contraband is found at ports of entry does not mean that less contraband is coming across the border in unprotected areas. It means that it is easier to find drugs at ports of entry than in unprotected areas. So, who can argue the importance of forcing evil doers to come through out ports of entry?
  14. So, Obama's reallocation of 1.5 billion dollars so he could send cash to Iran was ok? Did you object at the time?
  15. Polling questions are important. People may think Medicare for all is a good idea until they're asked what they think of it when all private insurance is eliminated.
  16. For what it's worth: https://www.yahoo.com/news/no-alexandria-ocasio-cortez-didn-160300976.html Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez found herself at the center of another right-wing Twitter conspiracy Friday morning, after a Republican strategist falsely claimed that she had employed her longtime partner Riley Roberts as a paid congressional staffer. The New York congresswoman and her team corrected the record, saying this is not true. Luke Thompson, vice president of the Republican analytics firm Applecart, first made the claims. Taking a screenshot from an unknown source, he tweeted: "While you were having a nice Valentine's Day, @AOC decided to put her boyfriend on staff - drawing a salary on the taxpayer's dime. Nice to see her adapting to the swamp so quickly." (The tweet has since been deleted because the screenshot, which included Roberts' email and phone number, was found in violation of Twitter's terms of service.) Ocasio-Cortez was quick to debunk the claim, clarifying that Roberts obtained an official House email address in order to get access to her calendar. "Actually this cal designation is a permission so he can have access to my Google Cal. Congressional spouses get Gcal access all the time. Next time check your facts before you tweet nonsense," she tweeted.
  17. I presume I'd do this to shake the s h i t out of you? It's amazing how you can post so much without a single fact. All feelings.
  18. Declaring a national emergency is still just a political one when everything is added up.
  19. Confuse the issue much?
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